Chapter 2 - Malfoy Manor

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I walked up the path leading up to a large black glossed door of Malfoy Manor.

I knocked.

A small house elf opened the door.

"Can Pinky help you miss?" The elf asked.

"Yeah is Mr or Mrs Malfoy in?" I asked.

"Yes please wait in here Pinky will go and get them for you." She said.

With a click of her small fingers the elf dissolved into thin air.

After a few minutes of looking around the foyer I heard scurrying.

Narcissa Malfoy and her husband Lucius Malfoy walked in gracefully.

"Hello May we help you?" Narcissa asked.

"Hi I'm He..." I started but was interrupted by,

"Hermione?" It was Draco. He just walked into the room. He came over and hugged me.

It felt really weird to have Draco Malfoy hugging me but it was kinda nice.

"I'm sorry for everything." He whispered into my ear.

"It's ok." I whispered back.

"So Mom, Dad this is Hermione... your goddaughter." Draco told his parents.

They both ran up to me and pulled me into the biggest bone crushing hug ever.

"We are so sorry Hermione for everything that we have done to you." Narcissa said.

"It's ok. I forgive you."

We all walked into the living room and talked for a few hours. It was about lunchtime by the time I was showed to my room by Draco.

"Hermione I am really sorry about everything that I've done to you." He said.

"Stop apologising I've already forgiven you. Plus I should be the one who is sorry." I said.

He looked confused, "What should you be sorry for?" He asked.

"For punching you in third year." I said and then burst out laughing.

"That actually hurt you know. Your punches are lethal." He chuckled slightly.

After I unpacked everything we went downstairs and had lunch.

"So Hermione are you going back to Hogwarts for your final year?" Lucius asked me.

"Yes. McGonagall sent me a letter this morning. She told me that I'm head girl." I said.

"Oh thank Merlin!" Draco said and let out a sigh of relief.

I gave him a confused look.

"I thought it was going to some weird Ravenclaw as head girl. I really didn't want to share a dorm with a Ravenclaw." Draco said.

"So your Head Boy?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"Well done both of you. We are so proud."

1 Week Later - Platform 9 ¾

Over the past week I have grown close to the Malfoy's.

Lucius offered to take off my glamour charm but I wanted to tell Ronald, Harry, Freddie and George first.

Narcissa and Lucius weren't going to the Platform as they will get a lot of horrible glares and a few arguments might brake out. So we are saying goodbye at the Manor.

"We're going to miss you both dearly." Narcissa said.

"We'll miss you too mom." Draco said.

"I'll miss you even more." Lucius said

"We'll miss you the most." I said.

We all had a big hug and then me and Draco apperated to Platform 9 ¾.

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