Chapter 11 - Regrets and Hospital Wings

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Upon walking into the library I instantly regretted doing it alone. I was stood a good few feet away from the door so I tried backing up quickly. It didn't work.

"Where'd you think you're going Hermy?" Ron said locking the door.

"Whatever you're planning to do you're not gonna get away with it." I said.

"We already have." Ginny said coming forward from leaning against a bookshelf. I drew my wand.

"Expeliarmus!" Harry cast.

I heard the door lock and I was defenceless. I was cast upon, sectumsempra, Crucio, I was beaten kicked, punched, ragged. I was thrown into several bookshelves. My chest was stomped on and I could barely breathe.

It has gotten to the point where I was waiting for Death to welcome me. But that didn't happen. I heard the door handle rattling. I don't think the others heard it over their excitement. I was laying in a pool of my own blood at this point.

There was the sound of someone shouting something and then there was an explosion. Draco, Theo, Blaise, Pansy and Astoria had entered. When they saw me writhing in pain. They all drew their wands and started fighting against Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville. Draco threw Neville against a bookshelf and shouted for Pansy to go and get a teacher. He started and epic duel against Harry. Everything started to go black for me all of my energy was draining from my body.

The last thing I saw was Blaise getting thrown against a window, hitting off a bookshelf and landing awkwardly on a table. Then everything for me went black.

Draco POV

Blaise was sent flying in the air.
"Petrificus Totalus!" I screamed at Harry, doing the same to Ron.

Astoria had a cut that was dripping blood from her stomach but was still attempting to duel the She Weasel. Theo helped her out whilst finishing off Looney. I, on the other hand, ran over to Hermione. I started muttering healing spells and counter curses. Tears were starting to fall down my cheeks.

"What in Godric's name happened in here. " Professor McGonagall asked as she came running in with Pansy.

"Professor they attacked Hermione." Astoria said. She looked so weak from the blood loss.

"Mr Malfoy take her to the infirmary hurry, Miss Parkinson take Mr Zabini and Miss Greengrass to the infirmary." She said in complete horror.

I lifted Hermione up effortlessly and ran her to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey came running over. I placed Hermione on the bed and let the witch work her magic. I stood back and watched as she had spells cast upon her and her cuts closed up.

Astoria and Pansy came in trying to hold up an unconscious Blaise. I ran over as Astoria was about to collapse. I helped Astoria to s bed and muttered healing spells to close up her wound as Madame Pomfrey was busy with Hermione. Astoria had passed out but her wound was healed. I moved over to Blaise. He was a mess. He had blood everywhere. His leg was twisted the wrong way and his bone in his arm was poking through the skin. I stopped any bleeding but I didn't know how to mend broken bones.

Madame Pomfrey came over after what seemed like an eternity. Hermione was knocked out and it would take at least a week for all of the potions to kick in. As for Blaise he should come around in a day or two.

I let out a sigh of relief as I knew that my girlfriend and best friend was going to make it.

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