Chapter 3 - At Platform 9 ¾ & Train Ride

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When we arrived at Kings Cross Station, Draco and I walked over to the barrier to get to Platform 9 ¾.

"'Mione you go first on your own. You don't want to be seen with me or you will get lots of hate." Draco said.

"No Draco it's fine honestly. We can go together." I tried to reason with him.

"Hermione go. I don't want people to start hating you because your with me." Draco said back.

"Fine. I'll talk to you later." I said before giving him a quick hug and running through the wall.

I dropped off my trunk and got onto the train.

I found an empty compartment and pulled out my book.

A few minutes later my head snapped up as I saw a family of red heads rushing to the train.

I smiled to myself. That family is ALWAYS late.

My door slid open.

"Hey Mione!" Ron said as he walked into the compartment.

"Hey guys and Ginny." I said.

Freddie, George, Ginny, Ron and Harry all got into the compartment and sat down. 

"Where have you been for the last week. You didn't tell us you were leaving. The last time we saw you was when you got them letters, you were crying and spoke to Mrs Weasley and Ginny and we didn't see you after that?" Harry asked. 

"Oh I was just feeling ill so I went to stay with my godparents so I didn't get you all sick." I lied.

Ginny gave me the look as if to tell them the truth. A shook my head.

There was a knock at the compartment door.

"Come in." We all said at the same time.

Draco opened the door.

"What the bloody hell do you want Ferret!?" Ron spat.

"Hermione Professor McGonagall wants to see us." Draco said to me.

"Ok I'm coming." I told him.

"No. Mione you aren't going anywhere with him he's evil." Harry said.

"I'll be fine." I said.

"He'll probably curse you." Ron said.

"Let her go Ron. Mione can look after herself." Ginny said.

"Thanks Gin. Bye." I said and before anyone could protest I walked out.

"What does McGonagall want?" I asked.

"I have no idea!" Draco answered.

We walked to the front of the train and knocked on McGonagall's door.

"Come in!" We heard on the other side of the door.

Draco opened it.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger. Please do come in and take a seat." McGonagall said.

We walked in and sat opposite her desk.

"This year as everyone has changed in the war, there will be a re-sorting ceremony. You two will Be first as you are the Head Boy and Girl." She said.

"Ok Mr Malfoy You first." She said and placed the sorting hat on his head.

"SLYTHERIN!" It shouted almost instantly.

Draco gave his Famous Malfoy smirk.

"Miss Granger." She said.

It made me physically cringe when she called me Miss Granger.

She placed the hat upon my head.

"Ah Miss Snape. You finally found out who you are you are intelligent like your mother and sly and cunning like your father. I'm gonna go with...."


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