Chapter 4 - WHAT!

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McGonagall looked at me in horror.

I gave a huge smirk.

"YESS!" I said and high fived Draco.

"Miss Granger May I ask what the hat said to you?" McGonagall asked.

"Yeah it said:
Ah Miss Snape. You finally found out who you are you are intelligent like your mother and sly and cunning like your father. I'm gonna go with...." I told her.

"What did it mean Snape?" She said with a sad face at the Name Snape.

"Last week I got a letter from my Biological mother telling me that Severus Snape was my dad. And I also got a letter from him. And another off my godparents." I explained.

"Who was your mother?" She said.

"I'd prefer not to say." I said.

"Ok. Well Mr Malfoy, Miss Snape, You might want to change into your robes. I expect that we'll be arriving soon." She said.

McGonagall waved her wand and then said, "Miss Snape, I've just transfigured your uniform so now they match your house."

"Thanks Professor." We said and went back to our compartments.

"I'll talk to you later Draco." I said with a hug before walking into my compartment.

"Bye Mione." He said. Walking down to his compartment.

"Hey Mione! What did McGonagall need you for you were gone a while?" Harry asked.

"Because I'm Head Girl she wanted to let me know that there was going to be a Re-Sorting ceremony. And because I am Head Girl I got to go second Right after the Head Boy." I explained.

"We don't have to worry because your a natural Gryffindor so you haven't changed have you?" Ron asked.

"Let's just get changed." Ginny said.

She grabbed our bags and dragged me outside.

"What house are you now?" She said.

I put my hand in my bag and pulled out my Slytherin Robes.

"No way." Ginny said.

"Yes way." I said.

"Wait I forgot to ask, Who is the Head Boy?" She asked.

"Draco." I said.

We finished changing into our robes and went back to the compartment.

"WHAT THE FUCK MIONE!?!?" Ron shouted.

"What!?" I asked.


"Because I'm a Slytherin." I said in a duh tone.

"Snake. Your a snake!" He shouted.

"I'm still me." I said.

"No your not!!! GET OUT YOU SNAKE!" He screamed.

I grabbed all of my things, tears ran down my face.

I ran out of the compartment and into someone's chest.

"Mione? What happened?" I looked up to see Draco.

I flung my arms around him and he hugged me back.

"What happened?" He said.

"T...They Hate!" I said.

"Is it Potter and Weasleys?" He asked. All I could do was nod.

"Wait here." He told me.

He stormed into the compartment I just ran out of.

Oh god.

"Just because she is a Slytherin doesn't mean she is a snake!" I heard Draco shout at them.

"Why do you care Ferret!?" Harry shouted back.

"Because I do." He shouted.

"Well She's a snake. Your a snake and so are all of your death eater friends." Ron shouted.

Oh shit.

Draco lost it and punched Ron.

"Draco he's not worth it!" I said. 

He listened to me and we found a new empty compartment and sat down in it.

"Thanks Draco." I said.


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