Chapter 13 - Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy

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Hermione's POV

"I presume you're in pain?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

I nodded.

"Drink this potion you should feel better in less then a minute." She said handing me a vile of white liquid.

I put the vile to my dry lips and swallowed the contents. I tasted horrendous but I knew it would make the pain go away.

I started to feel the pain leave my body but the cuts and bruises were still there.

"Where is she!?" I heard a deep male voice.

"I need to see my Goddaughter!" An female voice added.

"Your parents are here!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. McGonagall owled them nearly two weeks ago." Draco told me.

"Two weeks!" I shouted.

"Yeah 'Mione it's been two weeks." Pansy said.

Narcissa and Lucius barged into the hospital wing.

"Hermione darling. You're awake. Who did this to you? Are you ok? Are you in pain?" Narcissa fussed.

"I woke up an hour ago. I'm good now Cissa." I said ignoring the 'Who' question.

"Who did this to you Hermione?" Narcissa asked in a gentler tone whilst moving some of my hair out of my face, showing more bruises.

"Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom." Draco said for me.

"I will see to it that those individuals are expelled from Hogwarts for good." McGonagall said from behind Lucius.

"Good." Lucius said.

Blaise started to stir across the room.

"Oh my-- Blaise is that you dear." Narcissa asked.

"Cissa??" He asked.

"Yeah it's me dear." Narcissa told him.


Harry and his Gryffindor friends were all expelled for nearly killing me. And I was released from the Hospital wing. It's been a month now and I was moving on with my life.

It was a Wednesday and we had potions last with the Hufflepuffs before lunch. I miss my father's potion lessons. I miss my father.

Today was our last day in school for Christmas Break. We go home tomorrow morning. And I officially can't wait.

"Miss Granger?" Professor Slughorn said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"You're partnering up with Mr Malfoy." He said.

"Ok." I said standing up and moving over to where Draco was sat.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just can't wait to go home tomorrow." I replied.

"Me neither. Have you seen Blaise today?" He asked.

Blaise hadn't been in any of his lessons today.

"Yeah he owled me this morning. He's sick." I said.

"Ah. I'll go see him at lunch."

"I'll come too."

At lunch

We went to the kitchen and picked up enough food for three.

Draco and I walked over to the Slytherin common room. Draco said the password which was 'Chocolate Frog'.

We went up to the boys dorms.

Blaise was laid in bed asleep. He had tear stains down his face. I put the food down on the desk and sat at the end of Blaise's bed.

"Blaise." I said quietly.

"'Mione?" He said as he woke up. His eyes filled with tears again.

"Are you ok!? What happened?" I asked crossing my legs facing him fully.

"My mum... she owled me. She disowned me." He said between sobs.

I leaned over and hugged him and he cried into my shoulder. Blaise had become like a brother to me over the past few months and it hurt me too see him like this.

It took a while but we eventually got the full story of what happened. His mum is a drunk and his father died in the war. Blaise's mother blames Blaise for his fathers death.

"You always have your room at Malfoy Manor." Draco said to him.

"Thanks Draco." He said. "But will your parents let me."

"Are you kidding me, Blaise you're basically my brother you've been staying at my house since we were in nappies of course they won't mind."

"Thanks guys. You two are the best."

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