Chapter 5 - Hogwarts

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After the long journey I lifted my head off of Draco's shoulder and we started to get off of the train.

We guided the first years to Hagrid and made sure that everyone was off the train before we followed everyone to the Great Hall.

We went and sat on the end of the Slytherin table.

There were so many people staring at us and then there were many more whispering about me.

"Quieten down students. We are going to be resorting you all as The war has concluded and you have all changed in your own ways." McGonagall said. 

"I will call your name up one by one and you will be sorted." She said.

She started reading out the names.

A few Hufflepuffs got upgraded to Gryffindor and a few Gryffindors got sent to Ravenclaw. Not that many students changed.

After the eighth years were sorted McGonagall sorted the first years.

"Well now that everyone is in their rightful house I would love to announce that this years Head Girl is Hermione Granger." Everyone cheered even the Slytherins everyone but Harry and Ron.

"And this years Head Boy is Draco Malfoy." She said with a huge smile. All of Slytherin clapped for him.

"Now let the feast begin." She said and lots of food appeared on the table.

Me and Draco ate only what we needed to eat and not stuff our faces like a certain Gryffindor *cough* Ronald *cough*.

After a few hours the delicious meal disappeared and prefects were leading their house's first years to the common rooms.

"Me Malfoy, Miss Granger will you please follow me to your new Common Room?" She asked and started walking to a part of the castle I had never been in.

By the looks on Draco's face I could tell that he hasn't been here either.

We walked through many corridors and passed many portraits.

We stopped outside if one.

"Dad." I whispered.

"Your common Room is just through here. Your password is ALWAYS. Have fun." She said walking off.

"Hermione. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Dad said.

"It's ok." I told his portrait.

"Well what's the password and I'll let you go in?" He asked.

"ALWAYS!" Me and Draco said in unison.

The portrait door opened and we stepped inside. The walls were a dark green and the couches were black. It even had a TV.

I loved it. It was like the Slytherin Common Room but just for me and Draco.

It was Perfect. 

We went upstairs and to our rooms. It was just like the common room. Black and green.

I unpacked everything from my trunk and walked back downstairs.

Draco was sat there.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked me.

"Yeah what do you want to watch?" I said.

"Fast and the Furious." He said.

"I love that movie."

I turned on the tv and put the DVD on.

I grabbed a blanket from one of the cupboards and snuggled up into Draco's side.

It's good to be back.

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