Chapter 7 - Quidditch Tryouts and a Kiss Part 2

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After about an hour of talking and kissing, everybody who wanted to try out arrived.

As Draco was the captain of the team he had a guaranteed spot on the team of his choice.

"Ok just because you had a spot on the team does not guarantee you a place this year." He said.

Everyone nodded.

"Let's start with Seekers." He said with a smirk at me.

We tried out for hours. Everyone thought that I couldn't play. Boi were they wrong.

Everyone else tried out for their positions.

"Well the results will be put up on the notice board in the Slytherin Common Room tomorrow morning." He said and everyone left.

"I'm starving let's go get some lunch." I said.

We went to the common room to get changed and then went to the Great Hall.

After the long day me and Draco flopped down on the couch.

"Want to watch some movies?" Draco said browsing the shelves full of different movies.

"Yeah. Put on anything." I said.

Ok he pulled a random movie off the shelf and put it in.

It was the lion king.

Draco came and kissed me. I had a feeler that we wasn't going to watch the movie.

Sorry I don't write smutt so....

The next morning I woke up with my head on Draco's bare chest.

I didn't see him wake up.

"Morning beautiful." He said, kissing the top of my head.

I tilted my head up and kissed his lips.

"Morning." I replied

"What time is it?" He asked. I rolled over and grabbed my phone.

"7:45." I told him.

"We are gonna miss breakfast if we don't get up. Then after breakfast I'll let you go to see if I put you on the team or not." He said with a smirk.

"Ok let's go then."

I rolled off of the bed and walked into my own room.

I put on one of Draco's jumpers and a pair of black skinny jeans.

I walked down into the common room Draco was already dressed and waiting.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Let's go."

We walked hand in hand all the way to the Great Hall and sat at our usual place at he end of the table.

We ate all of our breakfast and then walked through numerous corridors until we got to the dungeons.

The last time I was properly down here was in one of my potion lessons.

I never really got to know my dad. I wish he told me sooner.

I watched him die.

He will ALWAYS be the bravest man I know.

I let a few tears slip out of my eyes.

"Mione we all miss him." Draco said from next to me.

Draco and my dad were so close.

"What was he like? What was he really like?" I asked him.

"He was amazing. He always put on a snarl when he was in the school but on holidays when he used to stay at the Manor all he ever did was smile and laugh. Your smile is exactly like his." Draco said.

God I really miss my dad.

"Let's go and see if you made it on the team." Draco said in hope to lift my spirits up.

We walked through the portrait to the common room.

We walked over to the notice board.

Slytherin Quidditch Team...

Keeper - Gregory Goyle

Beaters - Blaise Zabini
               Draco Malfoy

Chasers- Vincent Crabb
                 Theo Nott
                 Marcus Flint

Seeker- Hermione Granger

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