Chapter 6 - Quidditch Tryouts and a Kiss Part 1

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The next morning I woke up still cuddled up with Draco.

It's a Saturday so there are no lessons today.

"Morning beautiful." Draco said and kissed my head.

"Morning Draco." I said holding back a blush.

"It's the Slytherin Quidditch Tryouts today are you gonna come to watch?" I asked.

"No I'm Trying out. What are you playing for?" I asked.

"We need a new seeker because I'm playing as a chaser this year." He said looking amazed that I am actually going to try out.

"Well that's good because I was gonna try to get the seeker position." I said.

"Let's go and get breakfast and then let's go and see if you can really play." Draco said.

We both went upstairs to get changed. I came down in a black skirt and a green top.

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"Wow your gonna turn heads

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"Wow your gonna turn heads." Draco told me.

I smirked and he just shook his head and laughed.

We walked into the great hall it was full.

Everyone stopped all their conversations and stopped eating. And looked at me and Draco.

All the guys were drooling and the girls looking at me with hate. I gave a bigger smirk and walked over to the Slytherin table.

I put a few CornFlakes into my bowl and poured some milk and sugar over them.

Draco grabbed two green apples.

After we had finished our breakfast we went outside so I could show Draco I could actually play. (After I got changed obviously)

I borrowed Blaise Zabini's Broomstick and Draco let The snitch go.

We both flew up in the air.

I never told anyone I could play because Harry and Ron always told me that it was their thing but I still know how to play. I always used to play at the burrow.

I saw a speck of gold racing around. I tilted my broom and sped off at a really high speed. Within seconds I had the snitch closed into my hand.

Draco looked at me astonished that I caught it quicker then he has never seen anyone catch it.

"Wow Mione. How come you've never played before?" Draco asked.

"Ron and Harry said that it was their thing to play Quidditch and my thing was to sit in the library and read all the time." I said.

"Well that was the Griffindoor's biggest mistake." He said. I chuckled.

"Thanks Draco. Your the best." I said looking up at him.

"I know." He said with a smirk.

He looked at me Merlin I want to kiss him.

And just as I thought it. His head dipped down and he kissed me.

Oh Godric Gryffindor. I love him so much.

He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth for him.

His kiss was gentle, unlike Ronald's which was slobbery and rough.

There were fireworks going off.

We broke apart for air but kept our heads touching.

"You know I love you." Draco said.

"I love you too." I told him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


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