Chapter 12 - Waking Up

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Draco's POV

I sat by Hermione's bed side, night and day. It had been a week and a half since the attack. Blaise had woke up yesterday and was being discharged soon. As for Hermione, there was no telling when she'd wake up, if she wakes up.

I walked into the hospital wing to see Blaise still in bed. Astoria was by his bedside. I looked over to Hermione's bed and saw Pansy sat there with her hand entwined with Hermione's.

"Hey Pans, how's she doing?" I asked sorrowfully.

"Madam Pomfrey said that's she's hanging on." She said not taking her eyes off of her new found best friend.

I looked over at Blaise to see him asleep and Astoria asleep on the chair next to him.

"How's he doing?" I asked gesturing to my best friend.

"He's going to make a full recovery. Madame Pomfrey told him to stay in for a few nights longer. When will Theo get back from the kitchens?" Pansy asked.

Over the past week, Theo, Pansy, Astoria and myself have taken it in turns to go on dinner runs as none of us wanted to leave Hermione or Blaise.

"He should be back soon." I said.

"I hope she wakes up soon. I don't know what it'll be like without her around." Pansy said. "Before all of this happened she said that she'd give me dating advice and that we'd have a girls night to get to know each other better. She's the closest thing I have to a sister. Along with Astoria of course. I just can't loose her."

"Pans calm down Hermione is a fighter. She's strong. She's a survivor. She didn't fight in a war to be killed by a bunch of idiotic teenagers. She will wake up and she will be ok." I told her.

Theo came back into the hospital wing and Pansy quickly wiped the a stray tear off of her cheek.

We all are in silence and did what we do best.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

We had yet again fallen asleep in the hospital wing that night. I received a letter from my parents telling me that they had heard about what happened and they would be at Hogwarts tomorrow. I just wanted Hermione to wake up.

The next day
Still Draco's POV
I woke up with my head on a soft bed and a hand entwined in mine.

I looked up to see Hermione still asleep. I stood up and kissed her head.

"You missed." I heard a faint mutter.

"Hermione?!" I whispered/shouted. It was loud enough to wake Pansy up.

Hermione's eyes fluttered open to reveal her chocolate brown orbs.

"I'll go get Madame Pomfrey." Pansy said before whisking off into the hallway.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Like someone dragged me through a ton of bricks and then dropped another ton on top of me." She said with a chuckle but then winced in pain.

Madame Pomfrey and Pansy came back into the room.

"Ah Miss Gra--Snape. You're awake. I presume you're in pain?"

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