Chapter 15 - Two wrongs don't make a right

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She never felt so disrespected and humiliated in her life. The thought of her husband with another, made her want to castrate him. She imagined  strangling that hoe with her cheap thong and cutting her up. 

Her tears were boiling hot. Nova was on an emotional rollercoaster. So many unanswered questions.  Fuck Costa.

Was she to blame?

Was this her karma for fucking with Daniel?

Why did she feel like this if she didnt love Costa?

Girl you got to get your head right. Her body ached in places she didn't even know existed. A slight feeling of uneasiness overwhelmed her.  Rubbing her belly, the unwanted cramp subsided. A wave of relief washed over her and she smiled  at her baby bump.

She hadn't experienced any morning sickness today, which was rather peculiar. Her body must be finally adapting to the pregnancy.

She watched him enter the kitchen seeking relief for the killer heading he must of been sporting.

Morning was all he could mouth. She gave him no reaction and continued eating her cereal.

He stared at her.

"Where's the aspirin?", he asked searching the cupboards.

"Go and ask the fucking whore you was with last night. Maybe she got some aspirin in her pie hole for you", she spewed out her words violently.

Turning on her heels she walked passed het dumbfounded husband and proceed to her room.

She was hot and angry.

He grabbed her from behind and pinned her against the bedroom door.

"DON'T FUCKEN TOUCH ME" she yelled.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR NECK. YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU LIKED IT ROUGH. I BET DANIEL GAVE YOU A GOOD FUCKING." He yelled back. An all out screaming match was begining to unfold.

The heat rose to her face. Her heart broke in a thousand pieces.  She pushed him aside but he was too strong.  His body weight pinned her down and his hands roamed through her body.

Every ache  that he touched sent shivers of pleasure through her body.
She wanted him so bad yet loathe him at the same time.

All control was lost as their lust consumed them.

He kissed her lips and ran his tongue down her neck line.  Nibbling at her flesh. He was in total control of her body and soul. Her hands clawed his skin as her pleasure intensified.

His fingers began massaging her moist cake and she moaned in delight. 

He pulled at her blouse exposing her bruised chest in the process.  Hand prints covered her shoulders and blotches of purple patterned her warm olive skin.

He stared at her swollen and wounded body. She felt so ashamed and reality finally brought her down to Earth.

Nova was all he could say as she ran into her room and slammed the door in his face.

What the fuck just happened ?


Just breathe. Feel the pain release from your mind, body and soul.

The pain suddenly subsided and she found herself staring blankly at the white ceiling.

Nova sat on the bed, gaining her composure.  Something wasn't right and she needed help.

What the fuck had just happened to her?

She was caught off guard when the pain began again. Her muscles contracted and pulled. A dull nagging pain developed below her belly.

She closed her eyes and began her breathing exercises. She knew it would disappear within a few minutes.

It dawned on her like a pin dropping in an empty room. She was having contractions at eight weeks.

The adrenalin rushed through her veins  as she jumped out of bed.

She needed Costa.

She found him typing away at his laptop. He didnt look up at her. She didn't blame him, she was also emotionally exhausted.

"COSTA", she mustered with all her might.

He stared at her in utter confusion.

"Nova, whats wrong", he's voice was panicked.

The pain began again. This time it was different, her lower back began to spasm. She gripped him and pulled him closer. Her face contoured in agony with each passing minute.

Deep breathes everything was going to be alright.

Costa, the baby is coming was all she could say.

The world stood still and the dread set in. She knew her baby was gone.

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