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Max's POV

Me and the boy's put her down then she just collapsed I called for the EMT's to come and help her as the ambulance came across the field I kept calling her name and kept trying to keep her awake. I rode with her in the ambulance to St. Mary's Hospital and they got her out of the ambulance they rushed her inside and onto a gurney I ran with them until they reached a point where it was staff only and they told me to wait outside so I obliged. When I went back out I was bombarded by J's mom, the coach, and the team. They asked me "what did they say?""What's happening?" "How is she?" I said "I don't know I stayed with her until I couldn't they rushed her into the surgery ward." They all stood in silence shocked. There was about 55 of us so the front desk lady escorted us to a private room and when we got there I yelled "There's only one thing to do" they all nodded and we huddled in a circle and I started praying then Charlie , then Blake, then Domonic, until everyone had said something then we all sat together in the huddle until a doctor came in 10 hours later and said "She's out of surgery but she's on life support" Her mom cried harder I walked over to her and hugged her then the doctor said "Would the mother like to come in and see her first?" Jess's mom looked up at me then to the doctor and said "Can Max come with?" The Doctor said "Yes m'am follow me". We walked for what felt like forever till we reached her room then we stepped in and as soon as we did Lisa Jess's mom fell in my arms and cried harder I started crying and we sat there then slowly walked towards the bed and we both grabbed her right hand. She looked to be in so much pain her skin was white and her body bruised and covered in a big bandage I just wish this didn't happen. We sat there until we heard the door open and in stepped a man in a crisp Army uniform with a sad dreadful look in his eye and I stood up and exited as he made his way to Lisa his wife and his now half-dead daughter with tears starting to form. As I exited the room I slid my back down the wall and started to sob that's when coach and Charlie who is like my brother came running out of the room and saw me. They picked me up and helped me walk back to the room when the door opened everyone stared at me like why is he crying he was the one that said she shouldn't be here in the first place. As I walked in one of my best friends Blake came over and said "How you holding up?" I was upset without realizing it I snapped and yelled "How do you think it's my fault she's there?" and everyone looked at me like really he was just trying to help gosh and I walked over and sat in the corner. After an hour Charlie came over and handed me a blanket, a pillow, a soda, and a sandwich. I accepted it and mumbled "Thank you" He sat down beside me and quietly said "You really love her don't you?" I looked at him confused and he said "Dude you have never been this worked up over a girl you look at her throughout the day and you say her name when you dose off in class it's ok to love somebody but what you do about it makes it right or wrong."

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