Dad's Mad

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"What happened son?" is what I hear her dad ask me "We were sitting waiting for class to start when my jealous ex-girlfriend came over sat in m.... lap and k....k....kissed me I pushed her away and yelled at her but Jess ran out and got in her car and drove off then got t-boned" her dad picked me up by the collar and shoved me against the wall and punched me three times then said "This is all your fault my daughter may die because you broke her heart you cheated on her after telling her you loved her" and I said "Your right it is my fault but I do love your daughter with every bone in my body I just wish she would've heard what I yelled at my ex after she ran out." "Yeah and what was that?" he said gritting through his teeth debating wether to kill me or not " I said that I didn't love my ex and how I  love Jess and how I would take a bullet for her you know how hard it was sitting there holding the limp body of the woman I love the woman I would do anything for?" and with that I was full on sobbing the guys must've heard because next thing I knew they were in there and telling me to calm down and breathe I kept saying "I can't I love her I caused her this pain I should be the one in that bed not her" and I kept banging my head on the wall and holding my knees sobbing until her dad spoke up and said "Damn son i've never seen a man besides a dad that's as worked up as you are" I said "Yeah i've fallen for her I love her with every ounce of energy with my body and I caused her this pain what should I be doing?" he looked at me and ushered the boys out of the room then picked me up combat style and set me down in the chair beside her i tried to get up so her mom could sit there but he said if I got up he would duck tape my ass to the chair so I stayed sitting just when I sat down and grabbed her hand and kissed it her heart rates tarted rising then she opened her eyes and saw me and flipped I tried running to the other side oft he room so she could calm down but her dad caught me and picked me up and sat me on her bed and said to her as I sheepishly looked down "Baby girl this boy never wanted to hurt you he has sat in that corner and cried his poor heart out and blamed himself banging his head on the wall so hard i'm surprised he doesn't have a concussion just let him explain" she looked at me with sad eyes and I just broke I thought she was going to end it but she shook her head yes and then her dad picked me up and sat me down right next to her and left the room. She looked at me then said "What happened?" I said "That was my ex girlfriend she still is in love with me so she wanted to make you break up with me but I didn't kiss her back she came onto me and then I pushed her off and yelled at her and told her how I would never love her and I would die for you then she left and I ran down to find you that's when I saw you get hit by the car and I ran to you and I haven't left your side since it's all my fault i'm so so sor... she cut me off by kissing me but it wasn't a kiss kiss it was an I believe in you kiss I love you kiss and I wrapped my arms around her she tensed but I showed her I just was trying to hug her and she relaxed and we sat like that until the door came flying open and in fell her dad and the team with half of the school behind them. When they fell through we just laughed and I kissed her her dad gave me a watch it son look and I just said "Mister A. with all do respect you may have raised her but I can take care of her from here no one will hurt my baby" he smiled and blushed then started crying we ushered him over and him and Jessica's mom came over then we all group hugged and when we pulled away everyone including coach had his phone out and was taking pictures and videos. 

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