Saving Her

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Moments later her father came in and said "Max" I walked over to him and he said "Can I talk to you out here for a moment?" I nodded and we walked out. He said "What's your relationship to my daughter?" I said "I am the captain of the team." He said "Son is that it?" I looked at him confused and he said "I saw the way you looked at her and heard you sobbing after you left yeah that's a natural instinct but your tears were full of sadness, dread, self-hatred, and guilt" I said "I love her but it's my fault I shouldn't have let her play I knew she might..." and I was cut off by him saying "My wife noticed it too when she came home from school she would go upstairs and scream at her footage now she practices and works her butt off she as become stronger, hardworking, caring, and understanding since she met you I need you to get you skinny little but back in there and talk to her show her there's a reason to keep fighting to not give up" I said "I know but i'm not ready to confess my love for her but I think I have an idea" He said "What's that?" I said "Your daughter hates people who think girls can't do things guys can so maybe if we give her a reason the reason to prove men wrong that women can play she might wake up" He said "That's a great idea let's go" We walk into the room and me and her dad start spitting out harsh things like "This is why girls can't play" or "She proved me right" and then all of a sudden her heart rate started to rise and her brain function increased and soon she sat up and spat out looking at me "Get out both of you I can believe it from you Max but you dad?" He hugged me tightly then ran over and told Jess how it was a plan that I had come up with to try to get her to wake up. Then I said "I'm going to go tell the guys" and left then I ran to the guys and went into the room panting then I yelled "I got her to wake up" they looked at me like I was crazy then Jess ran through the door and hugged Charlie then Blake then Dom then everyone else then coach and then me. I was almost knocked off my feet by the force that she hugged me with and she whispered "Thank you". The doctor walked in and said "She's free to go home but no football until she has finished her physical therapy" then walked off. She waved goodbye then left then the boys looked at me and said "Let's go get some food" I said "Yeah let's go". We walked into the The Big Pizza and sat down then Maggy walked over to me and said "Babe where have you been?" I looked at her and said "The hospital with Jess" she screamed "You waited there for 5 days for that peace of trash?" I was boiling mad so I stood up and said "Yeah I did and I would do it again any day and let me ever hear you call her trash again and see how many friends you have" She said "Why are you defending her?" I said "Because she's part of the team and us were through" everyone was staring  at me as Maggy stormed off and Blake said "What was that about?" I said "Nothing" then grabbed 4 pieces and walked out.

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