The Plan

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Coach's POV

When Max stormed out I finally put the pieces together he likes Jess. I asked the boys "Have you guys noticed a change in Max?" Blake said "Yeah everything he does has some sort of connection to Jess" Then Dom said "He hasn't picked on her in a while" then they all said in unison "We need to talk". We exited the cafe and called Max and told him to meet us in the gym he tried to refuse by saying he couldn't miss J's physical therapy lesson but the boys convinced him to come so when he walked through the doors we circled him then forced him to sit on the bleachers. Blake stepped forward and said "We need to talk" Max chuckled nervously then said "About what?" Blake gave him the really that crap don't fool me look then Max said "Ok ok you caught me i'm in love with Jess I just don't have the courage to ask her out plus I was so horrible to her she probably wouldn't give me a chance." Then Charlie said "That's not what you told me" We all looked at Max then he said "Ok I want to ask and I have everything planned but I didn't know if you guys would help me because if not I can't do it the way I want to so will you help?" We all looked at each other then in unison again said "Yes" and I said "Man we sound like those girls that always finish each others sentences or wear the same clothes then yell twinsies"  Max said "Ok coach I need you to call her dad and tell him you need to talk to his daughter out on the field in her uniform say there is important people here to meet her, then boys each of you are going to have a packet and will be busy signing it, then I need some teachers help teachers that no one knows," I say "I got that covered what do you need them to do because if it's take pictures like paparazzi I have the perfect people" he said "Yes I do but not movie star paparazzi but people at a news conference, I need Blake you are going to throw the football on the field towards her as I walk up behind with roses got it oh and boys after she passes you walk out on the field and pull out your cameras to take pics and videos got it" "Got it" we all said in unison again then I said "Max there here" the people I had come out to help showed up and we ran through the plan with them then practiced it three times then took showers and got dressed.

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