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"God I love this girl she is my lifeline and prom is coming up in a couple weeks how do I ask her? I could do a simple fanta bottle turned into a wanta go to prom with me? promposal I don't know guys" I said to the team as they stood there in shock. I heard from Charlie an "Aww" and from Dom a "Cough whipped cough cough" so I turned and said "At least I know how to love a woman" I heard a choir of ohh snaps then Dom said "Hey your only after her for her curves" I waked up to him and pinned him to the wall by his throat and said through my gritted teeth "I don't care if ya'll think i'm whipped I ain't after her for her body i'm after her for her brain and her heart and her smile" Charlie said "I thought I was gonna have to beat him up to teach him he can't mess with her heart but no my girl got a good man". Then I said "I've got an idea Charlie you can sing right?" he said "Yeah why?" "We are going to do this Disney style" I said they looked confused I said "Charlie this will sound stupid but I need you to make a rest of do you want to build a snowman as do you want to go to prom and guys the o line you are gonna dress up like Elsa the d line will dress up like Ana then cheerleaders half I need olaf and half I need to dress up like sven I am going to dress up like Christoph and you guys will spell out prom on the field. everyone got it?"  "Why don't you just ask her?" a cheerleader said Dom said "Because he's whipped" I said "Damn right and I would rather be whipped then chasing girls around for a one night stand." Everyone left to go get their costumes.

~~~~~the next morning before school~~~~~~

"Can I have everyone to the football field?" as everyone gathered on the bleachers coach made an announcement "Can I have Jessica to the 50 yard line?" she waked down and the boys walked out with the roar of laughter of the crowd and got into position then Charlie started playing his song and I walked out and got on one knee with the flowers and she ran to me then I said "Will you go to prom with me?" she said "Yes" then jumped into my arms and we kissed and the crowd roared I could hear some say "He's getting some tonight" but I ignored those because I am waiting until she's ready. So we waked off the field and into first period that's when she met Sharon my ex-girlfriend. Sharon walked up to me and sat in my lap and kissed me then I pushed her off and saw Jessica crying I stood up and walked over to her but she ran I turned and yelled "What the "firetruck" was that for?" she said "Your mine" I said "No I hate you and I love her not the other way around I would take a bullet for her" and ran after Jessica with tears forming in my eyes and my team ran after me I saw Jessica pull out in her hummer nut she was t-boned  by another car. I ran out to her and saw she was still breathing but barely so i called for an ambulance the boys walked over to the other driver and said that he was dead. I let the tears I had been holding back out and didn't leave her side until she was in the hospital in surgery.

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