Wedding Bells

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When my last class was over I headed to the field. I was greeted by the team then we practiced. After practice I was drinking water when someone asks

"You guys know graduation is tomorrow right?"

I almost spit up my water than ran to Max's truck and we rode home. When we got home I took a shower then ate. When I got done Max had no shirt on and just his sliders. I guess I was staring because he snapped his fingers and I blushed. He hugged me then I got a call from Kriste saying she needed help picking out a dress for graduation. So I walked into Kristen's house and there were dresses everywhere I walked in grabbed a dress ahe agreed then I went home. I went home layed out my camo shirt, my ariat's, my confederate flag buckle, and my blue jeans brushed my teeth then hopped into bed.

I woke up and threw on my gown I walked downstairs and ate then James and Blake came in yelling it was time to go so we left. When we got there I got looks from all the girls like

eww what is she wearing?

The guys looked at me like

Yo let's smash

Then Max saw those looks and kissed me. The principal called

"Jessica Alderman" then "Max Baker"

when Max walked on stage he stopped everyone and got on one knee. I looked at my dad he was grinning my mom was crying Max was waiting the crowd was silent as he said  

"I used to be the bully the sexist jock but when I laid eyes on you those ways had to stop

through thick and thin you and me it's always been

Jessica Lauren Alderman will you marry me?"

I screamed "Yes Yes Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone pluged their ears then Max kissed me I looked over to my dad and he looked like he was ready to rip Max's head off but I smiled and we walked off the stage hand and hand.

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