Surprise or Betrayal?

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I walk into school and Kyle and his buddies grab my arms then they try to pin me up against my locker but i had other plans i kicked the on guys knee then when he let go whipped around to see the other dude so i roundhouse kicked him then punched Kyle in his temple. Then Max came over and gave me a kiss then left all i could think about was how he wasn't in any of our classes.When i went home i saw Max walking with some girl i didn't think anything of it then when i walked over to him he said "hey Jess this is Alexandra my friend" we shook hands and they rushed off. I shrugged it off but as they week went on i saw less and less of Max so one day i went to his house and walked into the house as stealthy as i could then i heard giggling and a door open so i hid in the closet till she left and Max walked over and opened the doors. He said "really spying on me do you really not trust me?" i was saddened by his words and said "i do trust you it's just you haven't been at school and it seems like your avoiding me if you don't want to be together..." i was cut off by him kissing me not a lustful kiss but a passionate kiss then he said "i love you squanto" then i said "sorry for not trusting you it's just when my last boyfriend did this i found out he was cheating" he told me "it's ok i get it it's a natural instinct".

The next day walking into school i saw Charlie, Dom, and Blake pinning Max against the lockers with the girls looking for me i walked over and heard Charlie say "Why are you avoiding J she has been down all week wondering where you are and what your doing?"Max said "Guys really what do you think i'm doing?" Blake said "dude are you cheating on J?" Max got mad and  said "really guys I love J and i could never do that to her i wouldn't stoop that low" They shook their heads and said "sorry" then i walked over and asked Max if he was ok and he said "Yes Jess and you know i'm not cheating on you ok?" i shook my head and he kissed and hugged me than ran to the principals office and got some papers than ran home. After school i was called to the front where the principal met me with a bag and Kristen and Nicole they handed me the bag and i went into the bathroom and changed into camp cargo pants that had straps that wrapped around each thigh then clip to the front and i had on a solid black pullover with my black combat boots then they did my hair in a chevron fishtail braid and i met Max outside he was in camo cargo pants like mine with the straps and a black woman beater that snugged to his washboard abs, his v line was showing and his pecs so well i was in dream land dying of how hot he is until Max said "come on J we got to get going" i nodded then grabbed my bags and we walked to his car. We hopped in and he drove to the field a couple of miles over when we got out i saw a pallet (pile of blankets to sleep on) four picnic baskets a couple coolers and a bonfire pit. I turned to him and saw three army duffel bags full of clothes and asked "what are we doing?" he said "this is why i avoided you this week everyone was in on it and even your parents. We have been planning this thats why we have a tent in the back so we can go to a couple of places and stay the night at each of them" i smiled and said "thank you please tell me you didn't spend a lot of money on this" he shook his head no and i kissed him then we walked over and enjoyed our first stop.

The Army duffel bags 

The Army duffel bags 

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Max's wife beater

Max's wife beater

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Max's Body

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Max's Body

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