Trouble In Paridise

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When I wake up I see that Blake and James were missing so I ran upstairs and saw them laying James on his back Blake with his head on James chest arms wrapped around each other and legs tangled I smile then take my phone out and snap a picture. Then I wake up the other boys and they all look around then Jackson says "Hey J where's James and Blake?" I say "while you all were sleeping and they were checking each other out across the room so I told them to go out and they're going out this Friday but I guess they wanted to get to know each other first" then he says "great another faggot on this team"(sorry I absolutely hate this word but it's just to add more drama to the story) I say "excuse me" all the other boys were shocked at how a team mate could say that then I try to run at him and out of no where Max is behind me grabbing my waste holding me back then Jackson says "you see sex is supposed to be a man and a woman not a disgraceful man such as Blake and another disgraceful man such as James" I look back at Max he is as angry as I am and he lets go of my waste I jump onto Jackson and push him to the ground he tries to grab my throat but I break his arm then I punch him 15 times before Max pulls me off then Max says "your off the team Jackson you have 24 hours to return anything that belongs to the team before we take legal action" Jackson weakly nods and gets up Max still holding my waste as he walks by me with a victorious smirk I growl at him and that smirk changed into a scared expression then he ran out the door. The bots looked at me like I was crazy I was still mad so Max turned me around then kissed me we heard a throat being cleared so we pulled away and I rested my head on his than he whispered "you good now?" I say "yeah" Then Charlie says "too much PDA guys a little too much" then Max says "well did you want her to attack you too? me kissing her like that is the only way to get her mind off something that pissed her off" they nod and I hear a few oh ok's then Dom says "are we going to ignore the fact she just beat the f..fudge sickles out of Jackson like a pro boxer?" I sigh and say "guys I box after school and before school and sometimes I do street fighting " they just said ok or cool but I heard Charlie go "Damn why did her cousin need me to watch out for her she could kill a highly trained Marine?" I laughed then James and Blake come down the stairs holding hands and I pulled out my phone and got a picture of them holding hands and James kissing Blake's cheek 

"man I've got to start a Jlake Album now"

Then I hear the guys snicker and I say "I said that out loud didn't I?" they all nodded but Blake said "J we've only been together for 12 hours how many pictures do you have?" I smile and blush "115" they looked at me like I was crazy then I said "I have 200 in my Krisie album, 300 in my Domicole album, 700 in my Melisavid, 200 in my Matrae, 50 in my Masica, 70 in my Jolston, 99 in my Jackenzie, 60 in my Migail, 400 in my Shaney, 80 in my Tybbey, 800 in my Jessax,600 in my Messica, and 2,000 in my Brlyis." Then James asks me "who is that only me, you, Dom, and Charlie aren't single?" All the other guys blush then I say "Well Jalke is James and Blake, Krisie is Kristen and Charlie, Domicole in Dom and Nicole, Meisavid is Mellisa and David, Matre is Matthew and Rae, Masica is Mason and Veronica, Jolston  is Jamie and Colston, Jackenzie is Jack and Kenzie, Migail is Mike and Abbigail, Shaney  is Shane and Laney, Tybbey is Tyler and Abbey, Jessax is Jessenia and Jax, Brylis is mymom and dad, and Messica is me and Max." They all stared at me in shock and then I said "I don't save them on my phone i have a flash drive for each set of pictures" then I blushed Max kissed me then said "we've got to go you have to help me with my  homework Mrs.All A's " I nodded then waved by and walked out the door we got in the car and drove to Max's place did his homework then we cuddled up and fell asleep.

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