Dance Team

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*Céciles pov*

Melo- I heard you had a rough day...

Me- yeah cause of your girlfriend.

Melo- I know I'm sorry...

Me- Its fine.

Melo- you mad at me?

Me- trying to distance myself cause I have a lot going on and I don't need to worry about you and getting beat up by your girlfriend...

Melo-whatever... thought we were friends.

Me- yeah me too Melo but your girlfriend thinks we are more.

Melo- whatever.

I put my phone away and sighed a little bit. I shook my head and leaned back a bit. I picked my book back up and started to read again. I cant believe Melo... hes mad at me cause his girlfriend tried to beat me up... "Hey you okay?" André sat down next to me and smiled small at me. I put my book down and smiled small at him. "Yeah im okay just a little bit stressed with school and everything that is happening at school."
"I know im sorry," he hugged me and rubbed my back. I nodded and hugged back, sighing.
"Its fine don't be sorry for me," I nodded, shrugging a bit.
"Okay," he rubbed my back. I pulled away, "gotta get reading," I laughed a little.
"Nerd," he pushed my shoulder, laughing.
"Shut up!" I laughed, smiling small. I shook my head and smiled at him, I loved these times with him. When we were just playing around and having fun. I picked my book back up and continued to read it.

"Kids come down here!!" My dad yelled. I walked downstairs and I sat down at the table, where they were sitting. André sat on one side of me and Leo took the other spot. "We have very exciting news," my mom smiled at us.
"Very, very exciting," my mom nodded.
"We are having another baby. Im pregnant," my mom smiled at us.
"No way!" Mia smiled at us, giggling.
"Im so happy!" I smiled big.
"Yeah," Antoine shrugged at them, then walked upstairs.
"Congrats!" André smiled at them, but followed Antoine upstairs.
"Whats his problem?" Leo looked at me
"I don't know. Probably mad because he wont be the youngest of us anymore," Mia shrugged.
"Probably," I nodded, "But im so excited I love babies. Im so happy!" I squealed.
"Im happy you guys are happy," she smiled at me. I smiled small and we talked about the baby.

I watched as our foster father yelled at our foster mom. I scooted closer to André under the table. He was yelling at her... it was scary... I sighed a little bit and let a tear fall. I cuddled up into his chest and watched as he grabbed something. I couldn't see what is was though. I saw him pull it back and it hit her stomach. "No!!!" I screamed as I tried to get out from under the table, but André pulled me back. "The baby!!" I cried hard as I saw our foster mom fall to the floor.... "No!!" I cried hard.

I sat up and breathed heavily. I looked over at Mia, who was sound asleep. I let a few tears fall and I stood up. I slowly walked out of the room and I walked to Andrés room. I walked in slow, careful not to wake anyone up. I gently shook André to wake him. "Bubby," I sniffled. I didn't have to say anything else. He scooted over and let me lay down with him. He covered me up and sighed a bit. "Its okay," she whispered, sighing. I nodded and closed my eyes. "It was about when we lived with Melody and Jared hit her belly and she lost the baby," I whispered, cuddling up into him.
"I know its scary okay?" he sighed a bit, "But its not going to happen with mom..." I nodded and sniffled a bit. I cuddled into André and listened to him breath. When we were younger he always let me stay with him at night when I was scared. He always calmed me down an he made me feel better... I feel awful because I kissed his best friend after he told me not to...

I walked into school, all eyes were on me... I sighed a little bit and I walked to my locker. I got my books out. I went to my first hour class and sat down in my seat. "Did you really get with LaMelo?" someone from behind me asked.
"No! I didn't okay?" I sighed a little, "I didn't.." I shrugged a little bit and leaned back on the seat.

"Announcement!" I heard over the speakers, "Dance team try outs will be today after school!" I smiled small and leaned back on my chair. I want to try out. its been awhile since ive danced, but I miss it. "If you want to be on the dance team please come to the office and get a form!" I heard through the speakers, "Have a nice day!" I raised my hand and my teacher dismissed me. I went up to the office and I watched all the people that were in line for forms. I got my forms and read over it as I walked back to my class. I sat down in my chair and smiled small...

I went to André's locker after school and showed him the form giggling. "Im going to try out," I smiled up at him.
"Awe good luck! I know you will do good! I'll let mom know," he hugged me and smiled. I hugged back, pulling away.
"Thank you! Ill see you after," I smiled, going to the gym. I put my bags on the bleachers and looked around at the people here. As I was looking around a familiar face appeared... Ashely.. I shrugged it off and I started to stretch out. "Already ladies come sit!" the coach yelled out. I went and sat by where everyone else was. "So we are going to perform a lot so this is a big commitment. We will perform at just about every basketball game, we will do three competitions a year okay?" We all nodded, "For try outs you will go up and we are going to play a song and you will improve and show us what you got to be on the team. Give it everything cause we are only going to pick 10 of you," she spoke. I looked around at everyone, there was about 15-20 people here...

"Cécile!" I heard my name. The girl before me was phenomenal.... I got up and I went to the middle of the gym. "Ready," the coach said, "Go." (A/N- the video above is how she danced) she started the music. I started to dance, remembering everything I knew before about dance. I finished and I looked up at the coach, breathing hard. She smiled big at me. "Great job!" she smiled at me. I smiled back and stood up. I went back and sat at the bleachers, smiling big.

"Okay we thought it over and the girls on the team are," the coach started, "Mackenzie, Ashely, Jordyn, Bree, Marley, Kat, Liliana, Penelope, Sasha, and Cécile," I sighed in relief as I heard my name get called. Thank god... "Good job girls go ahead and get going the girls on the team come get a schedule so you know when practice is!" the coach called. I went up and got the paper and I put it in my bag. "Don't think youre the shit cause you got on the team," I heard Ashley from behind me, "Youre the weakest of us." she scoffed, laughing. I shrugged it off and walked out. I was still happy to make the team.

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