Critical Condition

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*Céciles pov*

We got home after school and for once, neither of our parents were home. "Why didn't they tell us they wouldn't be home??" Léo looked at us.
"I don't know," I sighed, "At the hospital she was really mean to me. She was saying it was a waste of time coming for a fractured wrist."
"Really?" Mia sighed
"Yeah. Weird right?" I sighed, shrugging.
"Yeah it is," André hugged me, knowing it upset me.
"I'll try to call dad just umm go clean up for dinner and we can figure something out," Léo went out back. I pulled away from André and smiled small at him. I went upstairs to mine and Mias room.

"Did mom really say that?" she sighed, "That's not like her at all..."
"Yeah it really hurt my feelings. The other night she was all about fixing it," I sighed, getting changed.
"Yeah I know," she sighed, "Hey whats that??" she stopped me from putting on my sweat pants. I looked down at my legs and sighed. They were full of scratch marks. "I uhh," I sighed, "I scratch myself in my sleep I think when I have those dreams. I wake up from them and my legs they sting," I sighed.
"That's not good," she sighed, running her fingers over them. I nodded and watched her, gulping a bit. I was only half lying. You see, I do this instead of cutting myself... I figured they would go away but I guess they didn't... I pulled my sweats up and I sat down on my bed. I checked my phone quick to see a text from Melo.

Are you okay?? What
happened at the hospital?
Read at 3:58

Im fine. Fractured my
Read at 3:58

Im so sorry for what
happened... please let
me make it up to you..
Read at 3:59

Melo... Im not going
to keep playing this
game with you...
Read at 3:59

One more chance...
Read at 3:59

I gotta go. Talk to
you later...
Read at 4:00

I put my phone away and sighed a bit. "Mia I need help," I looked at her.
"Whats up?" she sighed.
"Melo," I looked down, "he texted me asking for another chance and I don't know what to do.. I'm sick of playing this game with him. Its like one day he wants Ashley the next day he wants me."
"Really?" she sighed.
"yeah," I nodded, looking down, "What do I do Mia??"
"I really don't know what to tell you. You need to make it clear to Melo that you want to be his only one and if hes going to go back and forth you aren't going to wait for him to chose," she nodded.
"Oh okay. That's a good idea," I smiled small at her.
"Guys come down here!!!!" Léo yelled. We all rushed downstairs and looked at him, nervous to see what he had to say. "So I called dad," he sighed, "They are at the hospital right now."
"Whats going on!?" Antoine blurted out.
"Mom she has been taking pain killers, way too much, and she took too many at work and driving home she got into a terrible car accident. She is in critical condition and we cant see her yet so we need to eat dinner and dad will let us know when she is able to be seen." The room went silent, no one knew what to say. Léo pulled everyone into a hug. "Its going to be okay," he sighed. I let some tears fall and sighed a bit. That's why shes been so sporadic lately. Happy one, on edge the next. Its the drugs shes been taking... I never thought she would do something like that.

"We need to just continue with what we are doing, school wise, and just be strong for mom. Be forgiving and don't judge her okay?" Léo smiled at us, "I will order pizzas for us." he nodded, going on his phone. I hugged André and sighed a bit. I closed my eyes and hugged him tighter. "Shhh," he whispered, rocking us, "Shes okay." I nodded and hugged him tighter, "not just that. Everything is falling apart. I want to go back home," I told him in French.
"Its going to be okay, everything happens for a reason," he told me back, in French. I nodded and pulled away from him. I don't know how he does it, but he always make it better.

Dad never got back to us, meaning mom isn't getting better. Melo has been texting me like crazy about talking.

Melo I cant talk to you
right now! Something
is going on okay?
Something more
important than this
stupid fight!
Read at 6:02

Baby whats going on??
Read at 6:02

First don't call me
baby. Second its
Read at 6:03

Please talk to me...
Read at 6:03

My mom takes drugs
and she got into a
car accident and is
is critical condition
and she isn't getting
better!! Happy!?!!?
Read at 6:04

Oh my god.. Im
so sorry Céce... I
had no idea.. Are
you okay?
Read at 6:04

No now leave me
alone. Im done
being your second.
If you want Ashley have
her but im not going to be
in this love triangle bs.
Its me or her and I don't
want it to be me one day
her the next. Im done.
Read at 6:05

Read at 6:05

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