The Date

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*Céciles pov*

I sat up as the door to my room opened. I rubbed my eyes a little and looked over at the doorway, it was Melo. "I'll leave you two alone," Mia giggled, walking out. Melo walked in, shutting the door behind him. "So umm I have been thinking a lot about us and what I wanted," he smiled at me, walking closer, "And I realized that I want you. Only you. The feeling I get with you is 100x better than anything Ashley could ever give me. If we are going to be honest the only reason I kept going back to Ashley was she offered sexual things to me but I realized what I have with you is more than that and I like it. I never thought I would like someone like that so I want to make it up to you. We are going to go out after school tomorrow to that café you like, on 5th street okay? Its a date."
"Okay," I giggled, smiling big at him.
"Good," he sat by me and hugged me tight. I missed being wrapped around his arms. It felt like home, as sappy as that is. It was true his arms felt so comforting and so welcoming. "You still like me even though I'm a little fucked up?" I laughed a bit, looking down.
"Everyone has flaws," he shrugged.
"You don't youre perfect," I huffed. He laughed a bit and shook his head. "No I'm not babe but we can talk about it tomorrow okay? Get some sleep im going to go back to Andrés room. Sleep tight," he kissed my forehead and stood up. He smiled at me and then walked out of the room again. Mia walked back in and squealed, sitting in her bed. "Soo fill me in!!"
"We have a date tomorrow!" I giggled.

School just got out and I was standing at my locker, getting my book bag. I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist from behind. I knew exactly who it was. I giggled and looked behind me to see Melo, "Hey cutie," he giggled.
"Hi," I smiled at him.
"You ready for our date hm?" he chuckled. I nodded and turned around to face. He kept his arms slung around my waist. "So you good with walking there or you want me to get us an uber or something?"
"No walking is fine, its not far from here," I giggled.
"Alright baby lets get going then!" he pecked my forehead, pulling away.

We got the café and ordered our drinks from the counter. We took a seat in an open table in the back of the café. "So what happened with your mom babe?" he took a drink of his smoothie.
"Well I guess she had been taking some kind of pills for a bit and I guess she took one too many and she was really high and got into a car accident," I sighed a bit, "But we are supposed to forgive her for her."
"Why should you forgive her for taking drugs?"
"I don't know to be honest. I'm really mad at her... She always preached to us about not taking drugs and doing stuff like that, then she turns around and does it!" I sighed.
"I know that's really shitty of her," he sighed too. I nodded but shrugged it off. "Enough of that," I laughed a bit, "What are your flaws Mr. Perfect!" I giggled.
"Well lets start off with how loud I am," he laughed, drinking.
"Okay well to be honest you wouldn't be LaMelo ball if you weren't loud! And your dad is loud too its just a Ball thing!" I giggled.
"Yeah whatever," he laughed, smiling, "Well also yah know I get a lot of hate on social media and I'm supposed to just 'ignore' it but I cant just ignore it you know... It gets to me sometimes..."
"Awhh Melo no," I sighed, taking his hand, "I know how you feel though. Like to get comments or whatever from people, being mean."
"I know its really hard," he sighed, "Its hard to take it and be okay about it... Sometimes it really gets to me."
"Well if it does you can talk to me about it Melo," I smiled at him, "I wont judge you, I promise."
"Thanks baby," he smiled at me, kissing my hand a few times. We talked for awhile longer and drank our smoothies.

"So when is your competition again babe?" he walked me back home, holding my hand.
"The same day as your tournaments in two weeks," I sighed.
"Ohh okay," he nodded, "Damn I wish I could come for you."
"No don't worry its my first competition in a long time I rather you not come," I laughed.
"Okay baby," he laughed, "What about your parents?"
"I hope they go to the tournaments. When André and I were fighting he mentioned something about him always being like in the shadows or something. Like I always take the attention away from big stuff he does. So I hope they go to that i'll be fine on my own."
"I'm so sorry baby," he sighed, hugging me.
"Nah don't worry i'll be fine," I smiled at him, hugging back.
"Alright cutie. I'll call you tonight yeah?" he smiled at me.
"Please do," I giggled and I went inside.

I was looking at instagram when my feed started to blow up. I looked at everything and the "breaking news" was that Melo and I went on a date. There was pictures of us at the café earlier and headlines about it. Saying I took him from Ashley... I shook my head a bit and locked my phone. I don't need this drama...

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