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*Céciles pov*

"Hey mom?" I looked at her.
"Whats up hun?" she smiled at me.
"So I was looking at the basketball schedule and he has a tournament the same day I have my dance competition," I sighed.
"We will work it out," she nodded. I nodded too and smiled small. The thing was, the smile I gave her was fake. I have a hard time being happy... Its been a week since everything with Melo and he hasn't even tried to make it better or talk to me about it... It hurt so bad.. I went to go upstairs but André came home, with Melo and Keegan. I gulped a little and looked at Melo.. He looked at me. Tears filled my eyes.. I hated seeing him. "Whats going on with you guys? I thought you were friends," Keegan laughed. I shook my head and ran upstairs, as a tear strolled down my cheek. "Hey whats going on??" I heard André follow me. I sat down in my bed, closing my door in his face. That didn't stop him. He opened the door and sat by me. "Whats the matter??" He looked at me.
"Alright I dated Melo okay?!" I sighed. I went to continue to talk but he cut me off.
"I cant believe you! I told you not to date my friends why cant you respect that!? This is why I didn't want you to date my friends Cécile!!" He stood up, I knew he was mad cause the next thing he told me was all in French. "Why do you have to be like that?! You ruin everything!! You cant leave anything alone you always have to be in the middle of everything Cécile!!" He walked out, slamming the door. I let a lot more tears fall. I laid back in my bed and sighed. I knew I messed up, messed up really bad...

Sasha ended up coming over a bit later. I needed someone to distract me from what happened. "So he found out?" she sighed.
"Yeah," I sighed, "Then he got mad and he was telling me all this stuff about how I was always in the middle of everything and I always ruin stuff."
"Well that's not true," she rubbed my back, sighing. I shrugged a little bit and put my head on her shoulder.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore can we talk about something else?" I sat up. She nodded and as she started to talk about something different.

Sasha went downstairs to get us something drink, but she was taking a really long time. I got up and I went downstairs to the kitchen. André had he pushed against the wall as they were making out. "Really?!" I looked at him. They pulled away fast. "You yell at me about dating your friend but youre screwing mine!?" I yelled, "Sasha leave!"
"No I want her here and she can stay with me," André fought back. She shrugged a little. "To think I thought you were my real friend but I guess not, youre just a slut," I snapped at her. I was just angry. I stomped upstairs and into my room, passing Melo on the way. It didn't bother me though I was way too mad about what just happened. I lost my only friend... I sat down on my bed and started to cry. I couldn't hold it anymore, I hold everything in and I couldn't hold it in this time. I heard a knock on my door. "Leave me alone!" I laid down, rolling away from my door.
"I cant," I heard Melos voice, as the door opened. Then I heard it shut. "Hey shhh," I felt the bed behind me sink down, meaning he sat. "leave me alone youre part of the reason im upset and i don't want to talk to you," I sniffled.
"I cant just let you cry Céce," he sighed, his hand rubbing my side. I pushed it away. "I do care about you but my dad you see he likes Ashley and I don't want to disappoint him," he sighed.
"So dating me would be disappointing, great to know," I cried harder.
"Not what I meant Cécile," he sighed, "I like you a lot more I do I just I like Ashley too and my dad likes me and Ashley together."
"Then be with Ashley and leave me alone!" I cried.
"I cant," he sighed, "I cant get you out of my mind okay?! You think im not hurt?" I sat up and looked at him, tears just flooding out of my eyes. "No I don't think youre hurt cause you have a back up! I Have no one! André is too caught up with you and Sasha only comes over to screw my brother. Leo and Mia are too busy with school and work to even care. Antoine is always busy with basketball and my dads working 24/7 and my mom couldn't care less about how im feeling!!" I cried. He hugged me tight, not letting me pull away. I gave up trying to pull away and I just cried into his chest. "Im so sorry," he sighed.
"Don't be im just messed up. I understand why you wouldn't want to be with me. I mean Im a freak," I cried, "I have these flashbacks and im depressed and im a weirdo with no friends. Im just a mess and Ashley is just perfect."
"You aren't a freak Céce," he sighed, "You are depressed and you've gone through a lot and I know that and I shouldn't have put you through more of it."
"its whatever im used to it," I shrugged.
"No," he sighed, "I should be the one to help you. I dont want you to be hurting," he pulled away and got his phone out. He went to his texts, showing me too. He went to Ashleys contacts and he broke up with her. "You didn't have to," I sniffled, wiping my eyes.
"Yeah I did," He looked at me. I shrugged a bit. Our eyes caught each others as we looked into each others eyes. Then his lips were against mine. ..

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