Chapter 10

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Karen went back to Indiana. It's also the first day of senior year.

I hate school. It's not the learning that I hate,it's the fact that I have one friend there.

Don't get me wrong, I love her. She's like my sister. That's the problem though, she acts like a sister and not a friend.

She's always telling me how to live.

Do this y/n, do that. But never do that.

GOSH! It's my life. I can just picture what she's going to say when I tell her I'm dating Corbyn.

Oh yeah, he asked me out. When we went out for a run he pulled me aside to the place we kissed and asked me there.

I walk into the school building when Kelly sees me. She runs up to me and hugs me.

"How was England?" I ask her.

"Rainy," she says sighing, "But the view wasn't too bad."

"You could see a lot from your room?" I ask letting go of her.

"I could see Big Ben from it," she puts her elbow in my side, "And the guys weren't too bad either."

We start walking to our locker's which happen to be across the hall from each other, "Did you meet your Kostas?"

She rolls her eyes, "That's Greece."

"Right but anyone close?" I ask. Maybe if she met someone it'll be easier for me to tell her about Corbyn.

She shakes her head, "Nope. We agreed no guys until Prom."

"Right," I agree.

"Well I'll see you after class," she says walking away.

"Wait," grab her arm, "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

I look around, "I met someone."

She raises an eyebrow, "Who?"

"His name is Corbyn. Technically I didn't just meet him, I've known him forever." I say avoiding eye contact.

I look at her to see a smile spreading across her face.

"Are you mad," I'm worried. I didn't picture her to react this way at all.

"Are you kidding me?" She says laughing, "I'm so happy for you! How old is he?"

"Eighteen. Only a year older than us," I shrug.

"When do I meet the boyfriend?" She asks.

"Today if you want," I tell her.

She hugs me again and walks to class.

I thought she was going crazy when I told her. That smile that spread across her face sent chills up my spine.

Alright, class time. First up, math.


I have lunch with Kelly. I walk up to her and sit.

"Why so glum chum?" I ask.

She looks from her tray.

"Are you dating Corbyn BESSON?" She whispers.

"Yes, and why are you whispering?" I ask.

"The Corbyn Besson?" She's a little louder now. A couple people, mainly girls turn to look at us.

"Yes why," I'm worried now.

She pulls out her phone and goes to Instagram, "Look at this picture."


Oooohhh. Cliffhanger.

Most of the people in this story are real people. If so I will link their wattpad in the Authors Note.

Everyone go follow Kelly ( kelly14paramo).

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