Chapter 19

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"Wow best limo ever," Kelly says sarcastically.

"It's the best I could do on short notice," Kali says.

We're in her mom's 2009 Lexus.

It's not a bad car honestly.

We pull into the school parking lot.

"We don't even have tickets," I say.

"Relax we have it covered," Karen says.

"How long are you staying anyway?" I ask her.

"As long as I want," she replies.

We get out of the car and walk inside. Kelly gets the tickets and we walk into the gym. It doesn't even look like the gym, except for the floors that is.

The walls are completely covered. There are stars hanging from the ceiling along with little fairy lights. I'm guessing the theme was Hollywood red carpet because there are red carpets as soon as you walk in.

I feel as though everyone is staring, but I don't know if it's in a good way or not.

We finds our seats and sit for a while. Karen keeps checking her phone.

We're there for about thirty minutes when I see Karen's eyes get wide and she nods at the girls.

I look around and see a bunch of people making their way to the opposite side of the gym to the entrance.

I decide to get up to see what's happening. As I'm about to get up I see the herd of people back up.

From the center I see...

Oh my...

"CORBYN!" I scream.

I run over to him to hug him. I hug him and look behind him.


They're all wearing white and black tuxedos. Corbyn is the only one with an entirely black outfit.

"I don't like this," Corbyn whispers.

"Is it that bad?" I ask, "I didn't pick out the outfit. I did do my makeup though."

Worst night to look bad.

He chuckles, "No. The fact that you're almost as tall as me."

"Oh," my face reddens.

"Lets go sit down," he says.

I look back and see the guys taking pictures with a bunch of girls. Once they see us walking away they decide to follow us.

We got a table big enough for ten. At the time I thought it was so if more people showed up from a different friend group they could sit here. I guess I was wrong.

We're sitting talking for a while about random things. Then a slow song comes on.

Corbyn stands, "Would you like to dance?"

I shake my head, "Can't. These heels are killing me."

"Oh," Kali says, "I actually brought you flats, but I didn't want to tell you because it would seem like I was giving you an option. I wasn't."

I take the flats. They're simple black leather.

I take Corbyn's hand and stand up.

"That's better," he says kissing me.

I turn to see Jonah, Daniel, and Zach standing.

"Would you dance with me Karen?" Jonah asks.

She turns red and nods.

Daniel asks Kelly the same thing. She says yes and stands.

"Kali, I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to dance," Zach asks Kali.

"Um," she looks over at Jack, "Sure."

They walk over to the dance floor.

"Wow," Corbyn says, "Looks like our friends are getting along."

I laugh as we make our way over to dance.

"Corbyn there's something I should tell you," I start, "I don't know how to dance. Like at all."

He laughs.

He takes my hands and puts them around his neck. He then wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in.

"And then we just sway."

I start following his away and get the hang of it.

"You remember that day we called you on your birthday?" He asks.

"Of course. The day angels woke me from my sleep." I laugh.

He laughs too, "Yes that day."

"What about it?" I say into his shoulder.

He pulls my face up to meet his eyes. I slowly fall into a trance staring into the glistening blue-green water.

"We didn't have rehearsal," he starts, "We went to get your dress and our tuxes."

My eyes start to water, "What?"

"I wanted to come with you here," he says, "I love you."

"I love you too," a tear slides out of my eye.

"I'm staying for two days," he says, "but I'm staying with you forever."


Then I cry into his shoulder.


Is it bad that I almost cried while writing this???

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