Chapter 32

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. It smelled so good. I could even smell strawberry jam and a banana milkshake.

I get up, don't mind changing out of my pajamas, and brush my hair and teeth.

I walk into the living room if the hotel room. It's a pretty decent size. Two rooms, two full bathrooms, kitchen, and living room.

The girls shared a room. We stayed up later than the boys because we were just talking about the concert.

"Good morning," I yawn.

Everyone turns and sees me. They're all showered, dressed, and watching tv.

"Finally, you're up," Zach says.

"Corbyn made us all breakfast," Jonah says, "Well he made you guys breakfast, but we forced him to make enough for all of us."

"Yeah," Corbyn says, "A box and a half of pancake batter and a container of syrup later, everyone is finally full."

They all turn back to the t.v. 

I do a double take of everything on the table, "This is a lot of food Corbyn."

"Yeah I know," he says. He turns to walk away.

"Not even a thank you from anyone," he mutters.

I walk over to him and give him a kiss, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Let me serve you," He smiles.

After a couple of minutes he brings me my food. Syrup on the eggs, bacon, jam on the pancake. Even a banana milkshake.

"This is just how I like it!" I say. I start stuffing my mouth like I haven't ate in days.

I get seconds because it's delicious.

I thank Corbyn again then go get changed.

I decided on a black t-shirt and some black ripped up jeans.

I walk into the living room at the perfect moment. Jonah slips his arm around Karen, whispers in her ear and she laughs.

Daniel mouths, "Ask her now man."

I walk to the fridge for water to look innocent.

"Karen," Jonah says.

She's looking at the screen and just says, "Hm?"

I walk towards Corbyn's recliner and sit on the arm rest.

"Do you want to go out with me?" He asks her.

Her eyes get wide. I almost choke on my water.

She starts hyperventilating. I get up and smack her back, "Breathe man."

She chokes on air, "Yeah." Is all she says. I can tell she's dying inside though.

We all hold back our smiles, I feel like laughing though because I thought Corbyn and Karen liked each other before and they would have ended up together. Life's crazy man.

Jonah takes her hand in his and we finish the movie.


For the next chapter I think I'm going to jump back to something that was brought up in the very beginning, so if you need a refresh you should go back.

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