Secret meets on the sets

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Both were living that moment to the fullest.

The hug broke.
Anushka was not able to gather courage to look into his eyes anymore.

"Look here darling!", he said.

She still didn't. 🙈

He said it again.

She slowly raised her lashes to look into his eyes.
Her eyes were wet.
A tear slowly rolled down her cheeks.
Prabhas(wiping her tear): This is a moment of joy and happiness. Isn't it?
Then why the tears?

Anushka (sobbing): These are the tears of happiness Pabsu.

*raises eyebrows, wipes eyes, sets hairs*
Anushka: Anyways!! Let's go to the table and have dinner. Otherwise waiter will think we ordered food and went away without eating and paying 😅.

Both giggle looking at each other.

They start walking towards the dining area and sit on their table.

The food arrives and both start having it.

Prabhas was about to put a piece of kebab in his mouth and he striked of everything had him thinking for a while.

Prabhas: Wait!! Is this why your bestie Arnav was reacting that way when he saw me for the first time?
Is this why he made us sit on the backseat?
Is this why today Rana suddenly started praising you in front of me.

Anushka: Yes 😅😂
But what about Rana?? What did he say?

Prabhas: We crossed paths on the set while I was coming for the shot and we collapsed. He was giggling and started saying that you're the best, you're so sweet and all!
I was wondering why?
Now I get everything 😂.

Anushka: Damn! I'm gonna screw Rana.
They again laugh on all these incidents.

Dinner date!! Officially the first date had come to an end.

He paid the bill and both left...


Just like every day, both had reached according to the time and their eyes were searching for their soulmate.
But this day wasn't easy to deal with.
Both were confused of what to speak when they'll meet. The feeling of nervousness didn't leave either of their hearts till they saw each other and couldn't stop gazing at each other.

"Cut", SS Rajamouli gave the command.

The loud voice of the director brought them back in their senses out of their loveland.

Both looked down and were mildly laughing at themselves.

It was a free time for Prabhas but Anushka had a scene to shoot.
She was given the script and was taken to the green room to get ready!

He wanted some time with her. But because she was in the room he can't enter.

Prabhas' POV
"One text message received, would you like to read it now?" said my phone.
It was my message tone.

I opened it to find Anushka's message.

"Meet me in Rana's room after 20 minutes" it read.
Excited like a baby who was gonna get an ice-cream, "For sure my love" I replied.

(He kept on looking at his watch every minute. The time wasn't passing)

Why these 20 minutes are lasting forever?

Okay! So 8 minutes.
I shall start moving. His room is quite far from here. I shall not let my princess wait even for a second.
(His room was barely 15 steps from where he was standing 😂)

He was looking for her in Rana's room but he couldn't see her and just then he felt two soft arms lock him within them.
He knew it was her.
He turned around, saw her and he couldn't get over her beauty.
She was in the beautiful orange saree. (kanna nidurinchara).

The glow on her face doubled when she saw her man gazing at her with all the love.

He didn't blink for even a second as he was in awe of her.

"I never thought you will call me here", he said.
"Why can't I? Afterall you're mine now! I can call you anytime, anywhere 😏. And you will have to come.😉" she said seductively pulling his face closer holding his collar.
"Woah.. Oho !! Is this the same sweety I knew earlier? I doubt."
"Your love has that impact on me.", she said pushing him back leaving the collar.

She starts walking to her left.

A tight grip on her wrist stopped her.

Anushka(shyly, in low voice ): Leave me!! I have to go
Prabhas : Don't fool me.. Its still 10 mins to go.

He pulled her with his maximum force. Her chest hit his'. He held her waist with his left hand
They were closer than ever before.
She was breathing heavily of nervousness and shyness looking down.

He tightened the grip as he used his other hand to hold her waist.

She closed her eyes.

"I LOVE YOU SWEETY 💏" he said after kissing her closed eyes.

"I LOVE YOU MORE.. 🙈😘. Now leave me"
He loosened his entwined fingers and freed her from his hold.

She kissed her on his cheeks and went out running.

To be continued...

I hope you all liked this part.
I found my last part of the story to be boring and not too good.. But you guys proved me wrong by showing your love towards it.
I hope you're enjoying my FF.
Keep loving my work.
Also, there's a good news... My story got it's highest ranking of #568 in Fanfiction.
This is really really huge for me.
Though ranking high has never been my goal, but when you get it unexpectedly, it gives you immense happiness.
Thank you guys..
Keep reading ❤❤

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