The Twist

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Next morning
Anushka's home
5:30 am

She woke up opening her eyes slowly and stretching her arms. She yawned and removed the blanket with which she cuddled the whole night. Sitting on the bed she turned off the AC.

She went in the bathroom to brush and came out with wet face..

While proceeding towards the kitchen, she wiped her face.
She made herself a cup of coffee. She climbed up to her room, went in and opened the balcony door.

The city was fast asleep. The fog and the cool breeze soothed her.

She started gulping the coffee.
One sip and she got lost deep into the thoughts of the days of filming bahubali.

She had memories from day one to cherish for lifetime. She smiled to herself remembering the fun they had shooting for it. How set became her habit, how she got so close to Rana, Rajamouli and family and Prabhas who became her's forever. How they used to have the laughter session during lunch and dinner, how they slept between the shots after getting tired and what not.

Every single moment spent there was beautiful.

A thought of Prabhas made her smile even wider.

She didn't realise when she finished her coffee... A call on her phone brought her back in the present.
On seeing call from the simcard company, "Ugh these people.."

She put the coffee mug and her phone on the side table where she saw the time 6:15 am in the clock lying there.

"Omg 6:15 already!! I have to reach the set by 7:00 and I'm not ready.." she talked to herself while ruffling her wardrobe to find out something to wear.

She picked up a grey kurta and the white bottom and went in the bathroom hurriedly.
20 minutes and she was out all ready.
She wore her watch, had her hair done and rushed out of the house.
She's been a very punctual person. She never likes to keep someone waiting for her.
The driver was ready with the car outside.
She sat in.
The driver started the car and drove off to the sets


Prabhas' home

He woke up at 6 as he always wakes up on dot time.
Rubbing his sleepy, a little swollen eyes and yawning he went in the bathroom to freshen up.
After taking a warm shower, he dressed up in a blue black checks shirt and a black jeans.

It took him just half an hour to get ready
He left the house for set which was just 15 mins away from his home.

During all the 15 minutes he was lost in the thought of how he will put down the topic of his and Anushka's relationship in front of her parents and how will he convince them.

Once they get convinced, he'll tell about it to his family too as they are behind him to get married soon.

"Sir.. Sir we've reached." his driver said.
No response
"Sir.. Sirrrrr we've reached" he said with a louder voice turning to the backseat.
This loud voice brought him back to his sense.
He went in his vanity when rarely someone was free to notice his presence. Everyone was busy is setting up the arrangements for the shoot.

6:55, she uttered looking at the watch when she had reached the sets.
"Thank god I'm on time" she continued.

She stepped out and it was just then when she heard her name called out.
She turned to find Tamannah walking towards her.
Anushka: Tamz! You? You were supposed to come late.. Weren't you?
Tamannah: Yes, but since it's the last day, I thought to join you guys early.
Anushka: That's great! Let's go then..
Tamannah: Sure!

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