Last few days of shooting BB2 (part-2)

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Prabhas: Rana is the only person who knows this.

SSR: Hmm. Okay! I'll take care that no one else gets to know, I understand how hard it is.. Don't worry.

Prabhas: Thanks for understanding ☺


The script was with her.
The scene described there gave her the mixed emotions. She was feeling happy and scared at the same time.
She was to kiss him. Though it was not the first time that they were gonna kiss but it made her nervous. They'll be kissing for the first time in front of camera after getting committed to each other.

She also had delighted feeling because she can kiss him without worrying about anyone. It was the demand of script afterall.

At the same time, he was facing the same thing.

Prabhas' POV

She is not some random actress who I can feel uneasy to kiss.
She is MY sweety. Why is this happening?
Ugh! I'm being weird.
*took a deep breath*
There's nothing to think so much about.
It's barely a 5 second scene.
In just a blink of an eye it'll end.

The reason behind this unconsciousness was their relationship which started just a few weeks ago.
But somehow they managed to convince themselves for performing the scene normally without showing any kind of hesitation.

The shot is ready sir.

The shot is ready mam.

Told one of the spot boys to both of them individually in their vanities.

She stepped out with baby steps because of the heavy garment she was carrying.

She looked breathtaking in the 2 layered Violet and Orange-Golden lehenga paired with orange dupatta and golden blouse.

The jewellery added grace to her beauty.
She was glowing like never before.

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"You look amazing", said SSR giving a soft smile to her

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"You look amazing", said SSR giving a soft smile to her.
"Someone's gonna die today. Isn't it?", he spoke in a low voice going near to her ear.
He was teasing her. 😝

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