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"A new day, a new start" mumbled Anushka to herself as she managed to take off the blanket.

"HUh no I wanna sleep more". She fell on the bed again taking the blanket over her face.

A few minutes later
"Shut up already" she yelled at her phone which was ringing continuously.
Unwillingly, she received the call without looking at who it was and ranted,
"Why are you calling me continuously?. Has everyone taken an oath not to let Sweety live in peace?"

"Will you please calm down ?" said a familiar voice from the other end.
She recognised the voice  and the name on screen gave the confirmation.
"Appa? Why are you calling me being in the same house?" she asked confused.

"We've left for banglore in the midnight my child. Nirmala aunty (shetty's neighbour) got a heart attack and she's admitted in the hospital. You know she's like our family family member. We had to leave. Sorry for not informing you. You were sleeping soundly so we thought of not disturbing you."

"Oh god! This is sad to hear. I hope she gets well soon. But appa you should've informed me, I would've joined too. I'm free for next 5 days."

"You can come tomorrow or a day after tomorrow. Today, a surprise from Prabhas awaits you. Enjoy that." said her appa with a small smile of content as his daughter had the best life partner one could ask for.

"H- How do — you know a.appa.." she asked with broken words wondering.

"That's not important. Go get yourself ready, half an hour till he arrives. Fast. Bye." her appa disconnected before she could ask futher.

"Surprise , huh, i hate cliffhangers. I can't keep calm till I get my surprise." she scowled.
"Though, i love surprises." she continued smiling.

"Not me?" came a voice.
Prabhas was standing at her room's door leaning on the side, his hands in the pocket.

She looked up to find him standing in front of her with his charming smile, long moustache and hairs gracing it. And she was lost, lost in the aura of the man, who belonged to her.

"Well I know I'm irresistible, but could you please stop staring at me. I feel embarrassed." said Prabhas as he made his way towards her bed.

Her trance broke and she pushed his shoulder who was leaning towards her.


"What? Stop doing this to me I might lose my control"

"Oh ho! The "nothing before marriage" slogan chanting lady is telling me that she might lose her control. Woah! Am I dreaming or what?" he teased her.

"Shut up" she blushed.
"Tell me why you came early. You were supposed to come at 6. Its only 5:30. And I'm not yet ready." she questioned.

"I woke up early. So i came. Simple as that. Go freshen up fast. I can't afford to be late."
Prabhas pushed her in the bathroom.


"How far is this stupid place of yours.?" she asked irritated.

"Dare not call that place stupid." warned Prabhas.

"What else should I do. It's already 45 minutes since we're traveling and god knows which way we're going. Is this even Hyderabad. So empty, so alone." she said the last words in a low voice.

PRABHAS AND ANUSHKA  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now