A lazy day

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After spending a good time in the temple both Prabhas and Anushka went back home.
Anushka, as planned went to meet Kanika and they had a perfect girls day out while Prabhas got busy with his work commitments.
Days of Anushka went on smoothly but for Prabhas it were hectic.
A month later
One fine day in the month of February

"Coming..!!!" shouted Anushka from the kitched to the continuous bell rings.

"You.. here? Now.. Everything okay?" she asked concerned

"Bro.. Do I need a reason to come here? I was missing you. NRNM shoot will start on Sunday. and I'm free for till Saturday. Thought of meeting you." Rana said hugging Anushka.

"Of course not. You are always welcome. Come in. I was making some Pakora. Wanted to try cooking something new." Anushka said walking towards the kitchen.
Rana settled on the sofa.

"Taste them. And tell me how are they.."
"Spare me Sweety. Please" rana pleaded trying to irritate Anushka.

Anushka slapped his head.
"Leave." She yelled
"Okay okay I'm sorry..... Umm they're delicious" he paused halfway and ate a pakora.
"Really? Thank you so much."

"Will I get one to taste?"
"Hey bro.. come join. She's a super chef."
"Pabsu.." .. "Hey what's up with the day.. sudden visits one after the other." she continued wondering.

"Actually .. I got free early today. Why not utilise the time?" Prabhas winked.
"Talking as if you haven't met her since ages." sneaked Rana.
"I met her back on monday. It's been long okay!"
"And monday was just 2 days ago." reminded Rana.
"Okay fine. Concentrate on your food."
Prabhas went near her and hugged her.
"How're you Bangaram?"
"Good ..."
They talked to each other forgetting the presence of Rana.

Rana was feeling like the gooseberry between them but being the naughty self he is, he decided to utilise the moment and pull their legs.

"Why the hell am I here? These love birds are gonna romance and I'll be bored.. Wrong decision Rana wrong decision" Rana talked to himself  hitting his own head.

To which both Prabhas and Anushka rolled their eyes.
Rana laughed.
"You know what Rana, you should leave. Give us some time alone." Prabhas mocked Rana.

"Is my presence even making a difference in your 'we' time?"

"Ey Pabsu. How can you talk this way? Not good." Teacher Anushka scolded.

"Sorry Madam. Sorry Rana." Prabhas held ears and shifted gaze from Anushka to Rana.

They all laughed mildly on their own drama.
They filled thier tummies with Pakora and were confused about what to do!

"Hey let's watch a movie. What say?" Rana gave an idea.

"Yes. That's the perfect pass time" Anushka said excited.

"Okay but which movie?" questioned Prabhas.

"I have these 10 hindi movies which you guys haven't watched. Select one." Anushka opened the laptop and turned it to Rana and Prabhas.

"How about Barfi?.. I have seen how Ranbir and Priyanka did an excellent job as dumb and deaf boy and an autistic girl. Specially Priyanka... She was amazing as Jhilmil" Anushka suggested.

"Hey please a Deepika movie." Prabhas made a puppy face.

"Pabsu. Keep your fanboy instinct at a rest for sometime. Other's movies are also good."

"Can I say something?" Rana jumped in after being ignored.

In vain.. Ignored again!

"Sweety.. pleasee."

"Will you guys stop?" Rana tried drawing their attention towards him again.

Ignored once again!!

"Pabsu I'm telling you Barfi is one of the best movie that I've ever seen. Priyanka has nailed it and Ranbir, needless to say, acted way more amazing than expected."

"The movie has started guys. I have put on Bajirao Mastani. Ranveer is my fav and you mister Prabhas, Deepika is there in the movie. And bro, you wanted to see EXCELLENT performance of Priyanka, this movie has it too. Happy?" Rana settled himself with a cushion in lap .

"Perfect." Squealed both.

"I'll be back after a minute. Rana paused the film."

"Be back fast" spoke Prabhas.
"Sorry guys I got an imp... guyssss."
Rana closed his eyes with his palms and turned back.
"You couldn't wait till I leave huh! Have some self control." Continued rana , his eyes still closed.

Rana saw them kissing sensually.
"Shut up and come here." Prabhas called him as Anushka, not in condition to meet eyes with Rana, stood up and ran to the kitchen.

Anushka's POV
"How could I forget Rana was there with us and could come back anytime?
So stupid of you Sweety.
*breathes* calm down.. Rana is a good friend. He is my bro after all.
.... but as naughty as a school boy when it comes to teasing us..
Chill Sweety Chill." I blabbered to myself gazing at Rana from back who's laughing with Pabsu.
End of pov

"You don't need to feel embarrassed or behave differently Sweety" came Rana's voice from back while she was hurriedly gulping down water.

"Rana .." she couldn't speak more.

A month ago, something like this happened when Tamannah caught them twice during their cozy time.

"Tamannah then , you now. I don't feel good this way." Anushka was a little upset.

"Bro. Love is the purest feeling in the world and one should never feel ashamed or embarrassed of being in love. Neither should be so felt if you're caught expressing your love. What's wrong in kissing the one you love? See I know it feels odd and indifferent at the very moment when you're caught. But there is no point in thinking too much about it. You weren't doing something wrong. If you are in love, don't be afraid of expressing it and be confident of your decision of having that person for yourself." Rana spoke in a consoling tone.

Anushka side hugged him.
"Thank you bro. For making me understand this."
"But ... be careful next time" laughed Rana.

"Hun .. the 'bro' love.. What about me?" Prabhas faked anger crossing his arms against his chest.

"Come here.." Anushka opened her right arm.
Prabhas joined and it was a warm 'small group' hug.

"We've to watch the movie guys. Come on." Rana broke the hug and ran to the hall.

"He's so awesome. Isn't he?" Anushka smiled looking at Rana moving towards the couch

"A loyal and genuine friend he is. Glad to have a carefree friend and a man full of life" Prabhas happily said.
To be continued...

Big apology for being super late.
And for a boring update.
Actually I'm busy with some work and a new PraNushka story. I hope you guys understand.

Btw, too much of Priyanka Chopra right😁 . Well, I'm a die hard fan and an admirer of her

Anyways, here's an announcement.
My new PraNushka story comes soon. Once I finish with this one, I'll start with it.
Title: Mon Sunshine - You're the only ray that strikes my heart.

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