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After he left, she had her dinner and went to the bed early.

Both had an early call for shoot.

They reached according to the timings they were given.

When Prabhas arrived, he saw Anushka's car concluding that she has already arrived.
His eyes were searching her everywhere till the extent he could view anything.

"Prabhas", Rana spoke loudly.

Rana came to him and they were discussing about their next scene.

Some soft voice of metal could be heard.
Prabhas was wondering what this voice could be. He turned around to see his beautiful on-screen wife Devasena in a beautiful blue saree accompanied with a few light weighted jewellery. It was the voice of the bangles and anklets she was wearing.

As usual, Prabhas couldn't move his eyes from her. Coming out of his thoughts, he slowly walked towards her with a smile making her cheeks turn red and her eyes fall.
"You look breathtaking" he uttered in a low voice audible only to her.

"Thank you son" she replied teasing him.
(though she had butterflies in her stomach)
To tease her back..
He, without wasting a second, pulls Tamannah's arm who's standing beside him showing her back.

Tam.. Your Mother in Law is looking quite pretty. Isn't it?
Before Tamannah could say a yes,Anushka pushed him on his right shoulder angrily and went away.


I should be angry on him for this. But that's okay, he feels I felt bad for what he said and that's what I want 👻.
*Remembers the praise by her man*
No matter what he does to tease me,but he never fails to make me blush everyday, every second. His mere presence makes my day. All I want is him around me, in front of my eyes for my entire life.
"I Love Him. (bites the lower left corner of her lips). Yes I do"
Her words were heard by her brother (Rana)
Rana: Love whom? P-.. "giving a sneaky look"
Anushka: *Broadening eyebrows*.. Huh?? What did you just say?
Rana: I said nothing.. What did you hear!?
Anushka: No actually I thought you took Prabhas' name . *she said in a single go without a second thought*
Rana: I caught you! I spoke a single word P.. There are so many people in our circle who's name start from P. How come only this name striked your mind?

She*after realising* takes the tongue out pressing it between the teeth and hitting her head lightly.
She makes a baby face which was enough for Rana to understand everything

"I already had a doubt about this" 😏
No bro! It just. ( falls short of words and finally accepts it)
"Yes I do" she said it with a shy smile.

"Does he also..." he asked
Before he could complete, he was cut by her words "Don't know.. But I feel he does"

They talk about everything.. How she fell for him etc.

On the other hand .. Prabhas was still not aware of the reason she kissed him on his cheeks twice.
He was walking towards the shoot position but was lost in thoughts that he wasn't looking around at all.

Prabhas' POV
I went to talk to her yesterday and ended up coming back without even initiating the topic. Such an idiot I am.

He collided with some person and it was Rana.

Rana smiled at him but was internally laughing on Prabhas' that he wasn't aware of Anushka's feelings for him.

He said only one sentence which led Prabhas think for long.

It was " Anushka is really so beautiful inside out. She's literally the best"

Prabhas' POV
Why did he said these things to me? I mean I already know it. Everyone knows it. It was not even so that we were talking about her and he said it in a flow. Out of nowhere he started praising her in front of me?

Anushka's POV
Beep on the phone
Message from Pabsu.
"Can we meet at the restaurant after the shoot?" it read.
"Yes!", I replied.

"Okay then! Courtyard Marriot 7:00 PM." he texted.
"Done!!" I replied again.

7:00 PM.
Courtyard Marriot

They reached and walked down to the table which he had booked. He pulls the chair out for her and assures that she's comfortable.
He also settled down on his chair.
After ordering their respective favourites..
Anushka: So.. Why this sudden plan of dinner?
Prabhas: I need to talk to you. It's so long that I have been tolerating. Now no more.
Anushka: What has happened Pabsu?

A little tense atmosphere turned to a happy one for him on hearing his cute name which she has given her.

Prabhas: FIRST OF ALL.. I'm sorry for teasing you (laughs a devilish sneaky laugh)
Jokes apart
*cleares the throat*
So yeah!
Let me be straight forward. Whom do you love? Tell me atleast. I'm a good friend of yours afterall. We share such a great bond. I think you should share it with me.

Anushka: I don't love anyone. Whatever I said yesterday was a bluff. It was just to cover the situation. That's it

Prabhas: Stop lying to ME. You said that with a different glow on your face.
Okay anyways.. Leave this. Tell me why you kissed me on my cheeks yesterday.. That too twice.?

Anushka: I.. I don't.. Know.

He repeated the thing which he did when he took her from the vanity to a room. He took her to an empty lobby. He moved towards her again asking the same question. She, without uttering a single word hugged him.
It felt so good to him to be in her arms. She went near her ears and whispered in a low voice. " I -- LOVE --- YOU"
He couldn't believe the moment. He broke the hug making her stand freezed in front of him. She was looking down. Her face had turned red.
His happiness knew no limit.
Prabhas: Say that again 😍
Anushka: I love you Pabsu.

Prabhas was on cloud nine.

He held her face with both his hands touched his forehead to her'
She closed her eyes in shyness.

He went more close to her making her breath heavily.

Her desire to listen these 3 words from him was fulfilled that day.

The joy on her heart showed up in her actions as she made a way for her hands to his hairs and pressed her lips on his'

Prabhas was amazed by her actions but he did not leave a chance to taste the lips which were meant for him and only him. He kissed her with even more passion.

Her eyes had tears of happiness because she had never expected this moment happening for real.
Their kiss ended.
She looked down again.
He lift her face up and said, "You are mine, for ever." And I mean it.
"I love you more than anyone else"
"Mutual feelings Pabsu" she replied with wet eyes.
They again indulged into a hug. She dig her face in his chest and he kept his chin over her.
He caressed her hair and kissed them.

To be continued...

So they finally know about each other's feelings.
There's a lot more to discover after this.
The story ends at their marriage.

I literally find this chapter to be so boring. I don't know but I'm finding my story so bad 😕😕.
Let me know, how did you like the update. I hope I stood still to your expectations and you're satisfied with it.
I need some motivation and positiveness.
Help me guys 😩
Anyways, I am so happy with the response I'm getting. Keep showering your love on this story. It really means a lot. ❤

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