Thank you to everyone who turned in! We were very much impressed and thought that everyone had a thoughtful approach to the task and did well to incorporate that! :) We graded harder this task, so if you received a lower score than your initial task, that may be the reason.
If anyone would like to receive their notes, they may PM this account.
Guest Number One: Brendan James Johnson
Score: 12.7
Guest Number Two: Ida Jean Gallagher
Score: 12.9
Guest Number Three: Sona Mishra
Score: 0
Guest Number Four: Becca Montgomery
Score: 0
Guest Number Five: Lukas Ryan
Score: 0
Guest Number Six: Marlene Rhodes
Score: 0
Guest Number Seven: Matthew Saitou
Score: 11
Guest Number Eight: Leo Lenoir
Score: 0
Guest Number Nine: Shaun Henry Wayland
Score: 0
Guest Number Ten: Lake Attuckus
Score: 7.9
Guest Number Eleven: Billy Driscoll
Score: 12.8
Guest Number Twelve: Kirk Hoffman
Score: 12.2
GUEST LIST (rankings)
1. Ida Jean Gallager [26.1]
2. Billy Driscoll [25.8]
2. B.J. Johnson [25.8]
3. Kirk Hoffman [23.2]
4. Matthew Saitou [21.0]4. Lake Attucks [18.5]
5. Marlene Rhodes [11.5]
6. Becca Montgomery [10.9]Sona Mishra
Lukas Ryan
Leo Lenoir
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