3. Remember me? Im the kid who got his childhood stolen from him!

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AN : I cannot wait for the new South Park game!
Think about all of the creek moments and the fact that their superheroes make me even more excited! xD

I also just saw the new preview for the new episode and it's about Tweek and Craig I'm so excited !!!!!!!! 😭 Can you tell my excitement is really crazy?!

enjoy x
Tweeks POV

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I woke up and realized that I was in South Park. I had forgotten we moved so I just stayed in bed barricaded by my covers trapped in a cozy warmth of my bed. As soon as I closed my eyes again I heard a knock on my door. Kenny was shouting something but I couldn't process what he was saying because I was to tired. Honestly, I totally forgot all of the guys were even here or the fact they spent the night.

I got up from my bed groaning. I opened the door to reveal Kenny and Butters standing at the door
"Good Morning Tweek!, Everyone is waiting for you downstairs to come eat breakfast," Butters said cheerfully.

I nodded at both of the males signaling for them to go back downstairs as I got ready.

I brushed my teeth and quickly before going downstairs.

I changed into some jeans and a hoodie because I'm sure we're going to go out right after breakfast. I had a lot of hoodies, but that's expected especially when you live in a town where it's basically winter all year except July. Even if I didn't live where it snowed 24/7. I'd probably would still wear hoodies they were honestly one of the best things ever created besides cigarettes and coffee.

I walked downstairs to see all the guys sitting at the table with my parents. My mother had gotten up and headed into the kitchen where it smelled of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

I used to love when my parents did this when I was a kid, but when we moved they had stopped since they were always so busy running all those damn shops; I'm glad that they've decided to be here in the morning. I walked straight over to the coffee pot to pour some coffee for myself.

"How'd you sleep sweetie, " my mom asked as she starts serving multiple plates for the everyone.

"Okay I guess " I shrug because I honestly didn't even know how to feel at this point, it's just so strange to even begin to realize I'm back.

"Boys foods ready" she yells as she signals for everyone to come grab a plate.

"Oh you boys might be way older than I last saw you, but it seems nothing has changed " she chuckled as she pulls Kyle and Kenny in for a hug along with the rest afterward.

My mom has always had a soft spot for the guys I don't know why maybe since we all grew up together in this small town. She always treated them as if they were her own to the point she would throw Kenny birthday parties when his parents couldn't because of their living situation.

Thinking of all these memories seriously made me realize that I was old. I'm not mentally prepared for college to start since it's early August apparently South Park starts earlier than most of the country. We were given an announcement that classes would begin around August 8-10th depending on how the weather is which I'm praying is shit.

After we had pretty much finished eating the guys went home and it was just Kenny, Butters and I.
We agreed to go help my parents to help at the store to which at my surprise when we arrived there to see Bebe working the counter.

I walked into the shop as I approached the counter "Bebe I didn't know you worked here ?".

"Yea the old manager actually gave me the job because I really needed more money especially since college is right around the corner, " she said smiling as she rang up the customers.

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