26. Should Have Never Crossed That Line With Ya, To Young To Be In HandCuffs

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An: I'm sorry I know I haven't updated in a while. I'm going to be completely honest. I forgot about updating! My fault 100%! I promise to update. There going to go from every week to every two weeks because I have things going on right now. I'm sorry!!!

WE REACHED 12K I swear last time I checked we had barely reached 10k 😭 ILYSM

WE REACHED 12K I swear last time I checked we had barely reached 10k 😭 ILYSM

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These photos are the truth. I saw them on Instagram. I honestly hate when I see people making Tweek as some hopeless person without Craig. Back in 1999 he fought Craig and they both did some pretty good damage to each other. Which justifies that Tweek is capable of doing/ handling things on his own. He isn't some helpless person who's completely week. Maybe innocent or scared, but not weak at all. He shot a rocket for crying out loud!

Also with Craig too. We made him out to be some punk who doesn't care when in reality he's just a dork who loves sci-fi things, his guinea pig, his boyfriend Tweek, and video making. Not some drug head or psychopath who fights everyone on sight. He's not some kid who is always angry. Finally; he's not some dude who just wants to pick a fight with the world and chooses to hate everyone. There is more to him than that.

Sorry I just had to say all of that xD I feel like people tend to forget the whole back story to both of them as we watched them evolve throughout the show up until they became cannon and even in the aftermath of them being together.

I love you all. This is the final chapter 😭

Enjoy x

Craig's Pov

What the hell.

I stared at the picture that was sent to my phone. It was of Thomas and I.

"Craig?" Ruby said.

"Craig" Ruby asked again.

"CRAIG!" She shouted.

"What!" I yelled.

"I'm going out to Starks Pond. I'll be back in an hour or so" she said as she headed out the door.

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