4. Some mistakes can be fixed, but not all can be the same afterwards

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AN : I JUST FINISHED WATCHING THE NEW SOUTH PARK EPISODE! I am blown away on how Matt & Trey introduces Creek to everyone in a more detailed insight like who they are after from Tweek x Craig. I'm glad that they are bringing an lgbt couple to the show and more importantly it being Creek !!! 😭💓

I loved how they made Craig way more caring to Tweek 😭 THE DATE PART AND CALLING TWEEK "Babe" or "Honey" Killed me

This chapter is going to be a little longer than the others because what happened between Creek is going to be told. Be PREPARED.

Anyway enough of my rambling
Enjoy x
Craig's POV

                              ~ ~

I felt an ache in my heart walking away from Tweek and Kenny. I was even more heartbroken at the fact that Tweek didn't even seem to show any emotion towards me besides hostility.

I can't blame Tweek for hating me. We went from having a cute little relationship in elementary to strangers in middle school. Well.... not strangers.
I was one of his bully

Seeing him today made me realize that I needed him back. McWhoreshit can back off. I need to reclaim what was mine.

I didn't ever think I would see him again after he left. The day he left the town crushed me for the years to come. He may have left South Park, but never my heart. To think this all happened because I thought a kid with Tourette's syndrome was the coolest guy ever.

After that awkward encounter with Tweek, I decided to walk around South Park to clear my mind but then decided to walk to Clyde's house. If anyone could cheer me up it would be that clingy idiot.

During the walk, I still could not get Kenny's words out of my head.

"My boyfriend".

Was Tweek really with that asshole? I couldn't stop overthinking the scenario in my head to where I actually started to tear up to the thought when I walked away from the guys holding hands.
I thought Kenny was dating Butters apparently. I have a feeling that was just for show. I'm going to have to find out or I won't be able to get that out of my head!

As I approached Clyde's door I rang the doorbell only to reveal a half-asleep Clyde opening the door.

I'm assuming the dude just woke up since it was 9 am right now on a Saturday.

"Craig?" He asked.

"It's too early in the morning on the weekend to be up. Why are you here? Not that I don't want you here! I just need my sleep" He said.

"Listen, dude, I need someone to talk with, it's important," I said kinda blushing at the thought of Tweek.

"Wait were you crying?" Clyde asked wide-eyed.

"Dude, what the fuck you never cry. Come inside dude it's freezing" Clyde said pulling me in.

I sat on Clyde's couch as he went to the kitchen what I assumed to grab some drinks. He came back with water and a coffee.

He knows I don't really like coffee which is ironic because I'm in love with a coffee addicted guy whose parents own a coffee shop.

As I thought about Tweek I contemplated if he's even still into coffee I'm not sure anymore. Now that I think about it he didn't even stutter or twitch.

A Change In Heart || (TweekXCraig) || CREEKWhere stories live. Discover now