19. Cross My Heart Hope To Die; My Lover I'd Never Lie In The End Its Him & I

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AN: How's your day been :) It's a Thanksgiving Chapter since I didn't get to post it last week

BTW did anyone see this weeks episode for SP I was killed with all these Creek moments in the background! Craig holding Tweeks hand and cuddling at the guys' house in front of everyone seriously made my heart explode!

Enjoy x
Tweeks Pov

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All day I have been slaving away over a stove in my kitchen. Today was Thanksgiving. In a family of bakers since we owned a coffee shop, it was a necessity; most of them were preparing desserts. I had distant relatives fly in from Denver to come celebrate with us. Most of my family arrived today and some had gotten in last night. My mother and aunt had been cooking at the coffee shop since we could use two kitchens instead of one. I was assigned to keep an eye on the desserts at home. There were at least four pies in the oven right now. I was preparing one more since one of my cousins are allergic to nuts so we had to have a few extra things just for them.

As I was taking some of the finished pies I heard my phone buzz from across the room on the table.
I set a pair of pies on a cooling rack to allow it to just settle as I answered my phone.

I opened only for it to reveal Craig.

Craig Tucker -
How's it going over there? It's soooo boring without you 😪I'm hiding in my room avoiding my annoying family members. I tried helping with the dinner but I accidentally dropped one of the cakes on the floor.

To Craig Tucker -
It's going well lol just finished some of the desserts for tonight.
Well, we both know you're not very good in the kitchen ... just saying but at least you tried! 😂

Craig Tucker -
Wow, that's coming from you 😕 I'm hurt Tweek!
You're supposed to say I'm the best cook ever 😢 Geez have a little faith in me honey...

I laughed because this was what I expected from him. Craig has been acting really cute lately. I'm surprised because when we were little he was so masculine and I was more of the cute one.

It's not like he's not masculine anymore because he definitely is! It's just a little toned down and softer and I seriously could get used to this.

To Craig Tucker -
Oh sorry!
Craig, I'm so sorry babe you're the best cook in the world! Even when you tried to make dinner that one time. Also almost burning your house down this morning trying to make an egg 😂

Craig Tucker -
😯 How'd you know about the egg thing?
Wow thanks 😒

To Craig Tucker -
Ruby told me 😇

Craig Tucker -
I swear I'm going to hurt her one day! Hey, can we see each other today ... I miss you

To Craig Tucker -
Hmmm idk I'll see :)

Craig Tucker -

~ ~

A couple of hours had passed and the food was all done. My family was already sitting at the table when my mom yelled.

I went to the kitchen to see what was wrong to see her shaking her finger in the air with a painful look on her face.

A Change In Heart || (TweekXCraig) || CREEKWhere stories live. Discover now