5. Even after all of these years you still know how to make me cry

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AN: I hope you all are liking the story c:

The last chapter was what happened between Tweek and Craig so this chapter is going to be the first day of college at Middle Park University basically for all North, South and Middle Park citizens. Just a little insight.

Enjoy x

Tweeks POV

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I woke up at seven today, since I had classes at 8:30. I wanted to get there early so I could at-least get familiar with the campus. I don't like going to a place without any knowledge on my surroundings. It gives me anxiety.

I went to my closet and put a grey long sleeve and then a blue unbuttoned flannel. I put a jacket on because it's going to be cold obviously. I went to go brush my teeth just my usual morning routine. I didn't feel like styling my hair I was to lazy so I just left it at as it is with a little fixing in the front and put a beanie over it. I put some grey skinny jeans on and got my bag and left out the door.

Kenny was picking me up so I'm glad I didn't have to walk all the way to school in the cold.

I walked to the corner of my street to see Kenny waiting for me in his small rusted truck.

I got into the truck to be greeted with Kenny's smiling face " How'd you sleep kid" he said.

"We're the same age" I rolled my eyes.

"Technically I'm a few months older but hey whatever. You've always seemed younger in my mind since I'm always so protective of you like I am Karen" he said chuckling as we started driving to school.

"What about Butters ? We're not picking him up?" I said as I noticed we past by his house.

"His parents don't trust me driving him so his mom is driving him today. They don't really appreciate their only child being gay and then falling for the poorest family in town's son isn't a cherry on the top of the whole situation" Kenny groaned.

I don't blame Kenny for being agitated. Butters parents are on a whole different level of terrible. Well at least his father is. Butters mother is sweet but allows his father to do what he wants when it came to punishing Butters. They always punished the poor guy even back when we were kids for no reason. I swear one day the whole town is going to get fed up and start a riot at Butters dad.

The drive was quite nice even though I'd rather be in bed right now. It was nice to look out the window to feel the cool breeze hit me, but I could feel my anxiety building up.

Once we got the school we parked at the nearest spot and walked to the front office to see a lot of people from South Park standing in a line towards what seemed like the student services center as read in big bold dark brown letters on top of the front doors of the warm colored building.

We spotted Kyle who called our names trying to gain the attention of us to come with him in the line outside the building. "Guys over here" he shouted.

We approached Kyle who generously let us in line with him getting some mutters from the students behind, but just ignored them because who would even want to get to class faster?

I wouldn't want to get to class any faster anyways. If it was up to me I'd keep going to the back of the line to make sure it look longer so I could just stand here and chat with my friends or mess around on my phone to pass the day buy.

"What's the line for?" Kenny asked eyeing the long line from the front to the end.

"Class Schedules. For the classes we signed up for they need us to take it and get it signed by each teacher to make sure we are attending." Kyle said

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