Chapter 11

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"Good girl." He commented, his tone laced with satisfaction. "There is was an accident involving the supposed bus that you were on from Sialkot yesterday in the evening." He started, catching her off guard. She frowned in confusion.

Why is he telling this?

"My team of rescuers saved you and the rest in time before serious damage could be done. We had most of you people brought in here after the accident. There is a celebratory gala in the honor of the victims that survived this horrible tragedy. All the victims will be at the Grand Hotel Islamabad. Your family will also be there."

"Why are you telling me all this?" she whispered in utter confusion, unable to put two and two together.

He gave her a small smile, his hand reaching towards her face which caused her to flinch away. His fingers gently tucked a rebellious strand behind her ear. The gesture was kind but his eyes weren't. they were cold and callous as always.

"You were on that bus. You are also a victim. I invited your parents. Tonight, I shall announce my engagement to you in front of the media. I will give you a few moments of privacy with your parents to explain your engagement to me." he stated with a straight face.

Her stomach dropped as all the blood fled from her face. "P-please don't do this. Don't do this to me. It isn't fair. I need more time." she beseeched.

Shehryaar smirked—he liked her begging him like this. All along he had seen her fighting spirit and bravery but he didn't see her beg once and now he reveled in it.

"You said it yourself that you will let me go home and give me time."

"Yes well, I changed my mind. After all, you don't deserve my generosity." He shrugged, looking nonchalant.

"Please, it's not right. I will lose the respect I hold in my parents' eyes this way. They will think that I already knew you and planned it. Please, it will hurt them. Please don't make me do this." She begged, tears brimming in her eyes. It would be too disrespectful for her as well as her parents if he carried this out. Without proper courting, it wasn't considered decent or appropriate. Shehryaar wasn't thinking of the consequences Anissa would have to deal with it. She would earn her parents' displeasure and disapproval if she went with what he said.

But their lives were at stake here. She couldn't risk that. She's seen firsthand the horrors and terror Shehryaar unleashed upon her for simply fighting for her rights and freedom and by now she knew that she shouldn't incur his wrath any further. His grey eyes danced with delight at her disposition. "Unless you want me to kill your parents, you will do exactly as I say. I don't care what you feel or what happens, all I know is that I want you and I will have you." He declared. He wasn't bluffing when he made the threat on her parents' lives and she didn't want to challenge him on it as well.

Anissa was beyond shocked at his displace of carelessness and self-centeredness. He was a certified psychopath. Her disgust and hate for him grew tenfold.

"Tomorrow we will have our Nikkah." He announced. Anissa felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach.

"You still want to marry me?" she whispered in disbelief, unable to find her voice. He gave her a small empty smile, his eyes calculating as they studied her face.

"And why wouldn't i? I won't lie though; I am still pissed that some one dared to taint what's mine but don't worry, that will be rectified soon enough. Nothing will change my mind." He replied. Anissa felt like a cold bucket of water was splashed on her. His words hurt her feelings more then they should've. What's this? Why do I feel this way?

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