Chapter 48 (II)

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She began to shake like a leaf as her emotions were beginning to skyrocket. A feeling of self doubt was beginning to claw and arrest her heart.

"How can you disrespect and humiliate me like this?" She cried, feeling utterly dejected. She was about to tell him about the baby but something stopped her.

He broke into a fit of bleak laughter.

"Disrespect?" He said between laughter and quickly face her with a smug smirk. "Do you really think that a woman like you has any respect?" He put a lot of strain in his words and they hit Anissa like a bulldozer.

"Someone who was tainted and stripped of her purity before marriage? Don't make me laugh." He acclaimed harshly. He knew it was a low blow and he was crossing a line. He had no right to mock her about her rough past but he didn't care, it needed to be said.

And it did as Anissa gawked at him in utter dubiousness. "D-don't you d-dare say that." She dsaid as strongly as she could manage. "You're the one who forced me to marry you even though I had told you the truth from the very beginning." She sobbed. His every word felt like a spear that pierced her heart.

"You should be considering yourself lucky that I accepted you and married you." He hissed. "I mean after all, who'd want a frigid woman like you anyway? Truth be told sweetheart, you're beautiful and all but lets face it," he paused as he observed her reaction as the words that he was about to say were going to be final her undoing.

"You're real parents didn't even want you. Your uncle and aunt whom you've been protecting all this time gave you away to me after a listening to a fucking sob story. Everyone got rid of you. Because you are unwanted. Undesirable. Not needed by anyone." He uttered. "And with you being so fucking frigid, it makes you all the more less desirable. There's no fucking way that you could ever satisfy me. Sure you're a good fuck. But that's all that you are: my slave that I can use for fucking whenever I want and dispose off later when i see fit. That's all you are."

"No!" She began to pant in disbelief as she gripped her head, her mind registering his words.

"Don't say that! it's not true. They love me! They care for me!" she shouted as she sobbed.

Shehryaar smirked in triumph; he knew that he had finally gotten to her."Look at you. You're the real pathetic one here. A poor abandoned girl. No one cares about you. Not me and not even you're fucking family for whom you've been suffering all this time."

Anissa felt like as if her world tilted.

Time stopped.

Her mouth fell open. Her already shattered heart, the small pieces that she was desperately trying to gather and put back together fell apart and broke even more. The little shred of dignity that she was holding on to began to slip away.

This was perhaps the limit to tyranny.

Every hope that she had faded and all that was left was the darkness.


That's all she felt now as her knees gave up and she fell to the cold marble floor. She shoulders slumped down and her hands aimlessly fell to her lap as her head hung low.

Shehryaar saw her face become pale. She looked so weak. Her light hazel eyes grew lifeless, the sparkle lost.

He internally patted himself for a job well done yet something in him caused a wave of anger to wash over him. His heart was screaming at him to stop as a strong painful tugging feeling entered his heart. But he ignored his feelings as he walked to the poor broken woman and crouched down to her level.

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