Bonus chapter

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Shehryaar strode into his office and made his way towards his large desk.

"Welcome back Mr. Ghulari." His sectretary greeted respectfully.

"It's good to be back." Shehryaar said and sat down on his large leather chair. Zameer came in along with Asim, who was the third in command to The MMM gang and the public face of the party.

"What do we have for today, Kate?" Shehryaar inquired from his secretary who immediately logged into her iPad and checked he schedule.

"You' have an appointment with the board of directors in half an hour shortly after which you have a meeting with a very important client: he's the CEO of MA investments."

"MA investments?" Shehryaar mused, his brows bunching up a bit but then realisation dawned.

Ah, so he decided to finally meet with me. Shehryaar thought, smirking internally.

"Yes sir. It's a new company that opened last year in Karachi and they've moved to Dubai as well. The CEO had requested a meeting a month back but because you weren't available, I had to reschedule the meeting till today." Kate explained.

Shehryaar leaned back into his chair with a smug look on his face as he looked at Zameer, who also smirked.

At last, the long awaited enemy was finally in here to see him. And he was going to welcome him with open arms.

After the meeting with the board members, Shehryaar remained in the conference room and waited for his much anticipated client.

This meeting was about to decide a lot of things for him and his plans. If he succeeds in making this person either join him or enough so that Shehryaar could use him, it would prove tremendous for his future plans.

Kate escorted a young man inside the room: he looked young, perhaps three or four years younger then Shehryaar. His body was lean yet well built, dressed in an immaculate black Armani suit. The man's features were sharp yet held an edge of youth that gave way to his age. His dark brown hair was neatly combed back. His jaw was strong and set sharply with a day old brownish blond stubble prickling at the sides. And his turquoise eyes, held coldness yet a certain maturity that told that he wasn't someone to be taken lightly.

This man was Shehzad Atish, a member of the Atish clan, the old nemesis of the Ghulari family.

Shehryaar mused upon the information that he had on the man. It was reported that a year back, only Shehzad Atish and his pregnant wife came and settled in Pakistan while the rest of the Atish family remains in the US. At first, Shehryaar thought that it was foolish for them to land themselves in complete enemy territory. What could possibly be the reason they would leave the safety of the US and come to Pakistan? Of course, the logical answers were to reclaim their lands and property in the Sikhai. But most importantly, they were back to seek revenge against Hassan Ameed Ghulari, Shehryaar's father.

A year back, Shehryaar's paternal aunt, Bano was caught and arrested and trialed for attempted murder and involvement in conspiracies and assassination attempts at various members of the Atish family, especially the Head of the family, Fayaz Atish. Bano was a spy of Hassan Ghulari. She had been involved for so many years that gave the Ghulari family a perfect opening to spy on the family and slowly annihilate the Atish family one by one. And with the passage of time, Shehryaar grandfather, who was the current Ameer of the Sikhai, saw the Atish family as a constant threat to his power and position and therefore, so far, he was successful in eliminating key members of the family.

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