Chapter 47 (I)

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That's all I could muster as my brain kept signalling my legs to run.

There was something after me.

It kept chasing me. I had no way to run.

It was dark everywhere.

I looked behind and gasped when i felt like the thing was catching up to me.

Suddenly, I collided against something hard and fell down. Looking up, my eyes widened in beweildered shock and fear as my breath got caught in my throat.

Zameer stood in front of me; His face pale and hard. His dark eyes lifeless.

I tried to stand up but shivered when I felt something in my left hand. I looked down and to my horror, I found my fingers grasping a black hand gun.

I tried to throw it away but my hand wouldn't let it go.

The sound of a shot being fired resonated in the empty black space.

I looked up to Zameer.

'Look what you did.' He whispered as blood began to spring out of his chest.

I screamed as Zameer fell down. The gun finally fell from my hand and I crawled to him and tried to stop the bleeding. But it was useless. He was dead.

'I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Zameer.' I cried.


A deep voice whispered in the passing darkness.


And I couldn't do anything but weep.

Yes, I am a murderer.

Anissa whimpered and jerked in her sleep. Shehryaar tightened his arms around her. He had witnessed her unconscious state and the way she was constantly screaming.

Right now they were on board his private jet headed for back to Dubai. Shehryaar still wasn't satisfied with how things turned out. For the time being, he spared Anissa's parents. Haris was taken straight to Islamabad General to be treated.

He wanted nothing more then to kill off her family. But he knew better for his logical mind kicked in and he weighed in his options.

If he had killed her family in the heat of the moment, he would've lost his only trump cards against Anissa. She was stubborn piece of work. She was just too damn strong to fight him for this long.

When he had finally claimed her, he had thought that breaking her would be easy. She was a woman after all. But a fine woman without a doubt.

When you have a fine and wild mustang, you know you cannot ride it so easily without breaking it first. And once it's broken, you know that you have gained an exclusive property and an excellent ride.

The same was the case with Anissa.

And the way to breaking her was by attacking her morality. That's why he made her kill Zameer. Because he knew how strong of a moral character she possessed. By just witnessing murder, she was so disturbed then he knew that having her kill and commit the same atrocity would completely cause her mental integrity to collapse.

It wasn't long now.

Soon she would be broken completely. So completely dependant on him that she would solely belong to him.

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