Chapter 35

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The stylist gracefully placed a silk fur wrap around Anissa's slender shoulders and handed her a small silver clutch purse, completing the outfit.

Shehryaar flanked his elbow in her direction. Anissa inhaled deeply and took his elbow and they left for the elevator.

"Stay by my side at all times. You are to stay with me unless I order Zameer to take you away. Is that understood?" He deadpanned. They entered the elevator.

"Yes," she mumbled in a hoarse voice.

"And don't you dare do anything to embarrass me. Behave yourself tonight, obey and do what I say or trust me, you will not like the consequences." He threatened.

Anissa rolled her eyes. And he's back. I was right all along.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Shehryaar said as he turned to face her. Anissa stiffened upon realising her offensive action but frowned when he chuckled and wrapped his arm possessively around her slender waist. Anissa's heart picked up speed upon his touch. She blushed profusely and tried to look away from him.

"Yes, so what if I did?" She retorted.

"Roll your eyes at me again and I'll take you at my knee right now and spank you so hard that you won't be able to sit properly." He warned yet his voice was full of amusement as he gripped her chin and forced her to look at him.

"Haven't you done enough? I already can't sit."

"Oh babe if you think that's something then you still have no idea what I can do to you." He said as he licked his lips.

Anissa furrowed her brows and creased her nose in disgust.

"You're sick."'she spat and turned her face away.

"So I've been told," he muttered, his lips contorting in a smirk. He leaned down to the level of her ear. "You'll find out about it tonight." He whispered huskily. Anissa shuddered.

"Now, behave." He said strictly, all amusement gone as his eyes went hard and emotionless. Anissa saw him slip into his Shehryaar Ghulari persona as he straightened his back, squared his shoulders and stuck out his chin arrogantly. His whole demeanour changed drastically within a fraction of a second.

His cold hard chiselled features turn dark and menacing. His grey eyes bottomless soulless pits.

Oh please, save me God. She prayed because she was terrified of him.

The elevator opened. Zameer was waiting for them along with five bulky looking men in black suits and shades. They immediately positioned around the young couple as they emerged from the elevator.

They were escorted into a sleek black Hummer limousine. Anissa glanced outside her window and saw the sun set as the tall skyscrapers began to light up.

They bypassed the main city. They arrived outside a huge white mansion. So many others cars and limousines were also approaching the entrance.

They headed towards a heavily guarded area in the hall as they went through security. Shehryaar, Zameer as well as the guards were checked for weapons. Anissa was confused as to why this was happening.

If Shehryaar was the host then why was he himself getting checked for weapons in his own party? She thought. Shehryaar immediately snaked a possessive arm around her waist and pulled her to his side.

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