Chapter 49 (II)

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Shehryaar was almost asleep on the armchair in his office when he jolt awake at the sound of the fire alarm being echoed off throughout the estate.

And when he came out, what he saw was beyond shocking. Huge flames were coming out from his bedroom.

"ANISSA!" He screamed as he sprinted towards the door. And what he saw made his blood boil with anger: Anissa was the one responsible for setting the fire as she continuously sprayed fire from an inflammable can towards the various objects in the room. He remained in control as he ordered his men to secure the estate.

He dashed into the room, ignoring the flames that seared his skin as he made his way towards a mad Anissa. Even under the spray of the water, the flames kept on coming out.

He pulled her out in time before she could procure any harm.

Shehryaar pulled her out and gripped her arms tightly as he made her face him. But the crazed look in her hazel eyes told him that she wasn't sane at the moment, Her cheeks were scratched with red angry lines and he knew instantly that she had lost it.

She wasn't looking at him as her eyes were fixated in the blazing room.

"Anissa, Anissa!" He yelled at her face, shaking her vigorously. And when her hazel eyes finally landed on him, he saw something there that he had never seen before: pure unadulterated rage and red hot hatred, all directed towards him.

"You! You bastard!" She started screaming as her hands came up and slapped him hard on the face and her dainty fists punched on his hard chest.

He was taken aback. She had never acted this way. She was completely lost in a daze. Of course she had been violent once before but it was nothing like this.

She looked possessed.

Crazed. Deranged.

But he knew how to make her snap out of it. Gripping her waist very tightly, he arrested both her wrists in his one hand. But she wouldn't stop struggling or screaming profanities at him.

"Enough!" He yelled and hit her sharply across the cheeks.

Releasing her, she fell down. But he wasn't done as he grabbed her hair and pounded her head into the floor. It wasn't hard but it was hard enough for her struggles to die down. Her vision started seeing stars and the hazy stupor that had taken over her mind subsided.

Anissa's mind cleared and became lucid. And before she could even react, she was pulled up and was back in Shehryaar's hands as he began to drag her.

"You think you can fucking get away with this?" He growled as he dragged her to the stairs and held her so that her back was facing the stairs and she was barely balanced at the edge.

She shivered in dread when she saw his grey eyes ablaze with fury as he shook her violently.

"I'll make you pay for this insolent rebellion." He screamed at her face.

Her lucid mind began to shudder but her mind screamed at her to remind her of the situation that she was in.

Tell him. Stop him. He's about to hurt you. Think about the baby! Her conscience shouted.

"W-wait, Sh-Shehry," she gasped when she realised that she had no control over her body as Shehryaar's hold was the only thing keeping her from falling.

"What? You're going to beg? Oh you'll beg alright. When I'll start to plucking each and everyone one of your loved one."

"Shehryaar wait!"

But he wasn't listening as his anger had a strong grip on his senses.

"Don't you dare. I'm so going to,"

"I'M PREGNANT!" She screamed at the tip of her lungs.

Shehryaar immediately stopped as his mouth hung open, shock evident in his widened grey eyes.

And as if not realising, his grip on her arms loosened as his shocked stated kept him rooted to his place.

In that moment of time, as Anissa felt like she was floating in air; Everything became still.

Her eyes registered his shocked expression as his eyes registered her terror filled gaze.

At that moment, time and space faded in the background.

It was just the two of them as they looked at each other.

And they would never forget.

The look of utter daze and stupefaction that marred his features and the stunned frozen look in his eyes: her memory burned it in it and now, she would never forget.

And him, his mind had barely registered what had happened as his emotions and logic battled for dominance, not noticing that it caused him to paralyse and not act fast enough.

Pregnant? She's pregnant? His mind just couldn't understand.

His reflexes locked down as his eyes registered the look of utter terror on her face and horrified look in her glaze eyes.

One standing, rooted to the place.

And the other, falling.


HEr back met with the hard concrete marble of the stairs. and a sickening clack of her bones breaking from her spine reverberatee in her eyes as the last thing that her mind could register and she went tumbling down.


Her scream pulled him out of his stupor when he saw her tumble and roll down the stairs.

"No!" Shehryaar ran down but it was too late.

Her unconscious body stopped at the foot of the stairs. He rushed to her side.

"Anissa!" He lightly patted her cheek.

"No no no, baby, open you're eyes." He shouted and quickly picked her up in his arms.

"Get the cars out!" He barked loudly. It didn't go unnoticed that blood began to pour out from between her legs. The corners of her mouths were also dripping with blood.

"Anissa? Baby? Please open your eyes!" He shook her body as he ran to the exit.

As soon as he hopped into the awaiting black Hummer, Anissa's eyes fluttered open. She saw Shehryaar gape at her in utter trepidation, something she thought she hold never see.

"The baby. Save the baby." Her lips moved to release the words in such a small whisper that he would've missed it but he heard her.

And she feel into a pit of darkness.

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