Chapter 18

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Anissa stared outside her window as the jet flew swiftly across the horizon. Her eyes looked at the fluffy white clouds in fascination. This was the first time that she was in a plane and that too a private jet owned by Shehryaar. They had left immediately after the waleema for Karachi were Anissa was told they would be staying until they would depart for Dubai in a week. Anissa was slowly beginning to grasp how rich her husband was. It would take for a billionaire to own such a luxurious jet and Shehryaar was just that: in top of that, he was a Mafia boss, the most powerful in all of South Asia.

She glanced at Shehryaar who was busy talking in his phone, his attention totally in the conversation. Just a few hours ago he held her to his chest as she cried her heart out and now he was back to his cold self, not even sparing her a glance. Just a few moments ago he coldly dismissed her and left her pondering.

How could this man be the leader of a Mafia? How can he kill and cause terrorism in the country knowing how badly it is influencing the people and region? I shouldn't be surprised. When he cannot even treat his own wife as an equal then what should I expect from him? Why did I ever forget that he's a criminal and a killer.

She sighed and rubbed her temples.

But I have vowed to change him. Monster or not, he has to change and I'll work hard for it. I need to be patient. He's going to be a jerk to me, pulling my leg and twisting me around with whatever whim he wants but I need to bear with it. I need to be patient. I cannot possibly expect him to change overnight. It'll take time.

She had time. Slowly, she would get to know him and change his ways. She knew it wasn't going to be easy especially since the man displayed psychotic tendencies but she will try her level best: after all, he was human and bound for change sooner or later.

Just trust yourself and pray to Allah for strength. Oh Allah, please give me the strength and endurance to face the trials ahead. She made a silent prayer. If there is anything that can cure the impossible, then it's prayer.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when the captain announced that they would be landing in a minute. Anissa quickly fastened her seatbelt. Shehryaar hung up on his call and fastened his seatbelt as well.

When they landed, Anissa was escorted to a separate black Mercedes Benz while Shehryaar left in another black Mercedes Benz. Zameer escorted Anissa to the Karachi estate that was located by the Clifton beach.

Anissa was fascinated and gawked out the window while they passed through the large metropolis that was known as Karachi.

"This is your first time coming to Karachi?" Zameer inquired.

Anissa nodded, her hazel eyes twinkling with excitement and her smile bright as she looked at Zameer. "Yes. The farthest I've ever been from Islamabad is Lahore. This is my first time visiting Karachi." She replied solemnly.

Zameer resisted the urge to chuckle. He found Anissa to be so incredibly naive and innocent. The way he saw her eyes light up, he felt a surge of pity overwhelm him. He knew what kind of man Shehryaar was and he didn't deserve a soft and kind hearted woman like Anissa but he was loyal friend and second in command. If Shehryaar chose Anissa than Zameer would gladly accept her as his First Lady. After all, she was the wife of his boss and therefore deserved utmost respect and protection.

"Where is Shehryaar?" She inquired after a long pause.

"He had some business to attend to so he left. He'll be back in the evening."

Anissa nodded and drew her attention back at the tall buildings as they passed out of down town Karachi. The sun was low and the evening sky was clear.

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