Chapter 7

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Shehryaar tried to calm himself down and breathed in deeply.

Fuck, she just knows how to push my buttons.

He clenched his teeth and released her hair. Opening his eyes, he saw her stilled in her state of shock. The hit marks on her face were bright red now and he felt disgusted at himself for treating his future wife with such hostility but he couldn't help it. She forced his hand at it and he wouldn't hesitate to repeat it again if she repeated her outbursts again. He didn't mind her bravery or her courage for stating her opinions but what he didn't approve of was the blatant disrespect that she showed him and that's what he didn't tolerate in the least.

Closing his eyes and opening them again, he tried to be a little less aggressive and carefully took her arms and pulled her to her feet. She was still in shock and didn't respond to his touch so he carefully caressed her cheeks, the hit from his calloused hands were forming bruises on both her cheeks. Her eyes blinked at the tears that formed and she began to quiver under his touch but didn't dare to push his hand away as she saw his cold grey eyes slightly soften.

"Anissa, I will only say this once so be sure to always remember this; I do not, under any circumstances, tolerate disrespect, disobedience or lack of discipline." He stated resolutely.

"I've waited a long time for you, meri tara," he murmured and carefully caressed her bruised cheek. She flinched from the pain and began to sob.

What have I gotten myself into? She thought woefully.

"I should make you my mistress since I've already kidnapped you—but I want to give you the place of respect and dignity that you deserve by my side. That's why, I'll give you a choice; either way there is no escape. You should consider yourself lucky that I want to marry you." He muttered his voice low and a bit gentle but to Anissa it was harsh and domineering as always.

"Now, I will take you back home and you convince your parents to have you married off to me within this week; however you do that is up to you and I will give you only 24 hours to make up their mind and give me a verdict." He declared and stared deep into her hazel orbs. They were still glistening with tear. Carefully, he wiped them off with his thumbs and gave her a small smile, one that was vicious and held many promises. "However fail to do so then I will forcibly take you and make you my mistress." He deadpanned.

Her eyes widened and before she knew it, her palm went up and slapped him hard against his cheek. Her hand stung from the impact but she didn't retreat and held her ground. He turned back his face and smirked.

"Feisty as always, meri tara." He uttered in amusement. She just couldn't fathom what kind of a sick person this man really was.

"Stop calling me that! I am not your tara." She snapped. "And I will not marry you!" she proclaimed fearlessly.

"How dare you even try to assume that you could force anything on me? I'm a free person and I have my own rights. I will not accept this!" she shrieked and half expected him to hit her but to her amazement, he burst into a fit of laughter—she couldn't figure out what part of her words held so much amusement for him that he laughed this hard.

"Oh Anissa," he drawled, her name rolling off of his tongue so smoothly. "You became mine the second I laid my eyes on you." He asserted. "And I love that fire in your eyes—this fire burns like amber in your eyes. I fucking love it," he assessed and came within close proximity of her. Before she could move back, he had cupped her cheeks and leaned closer. "I can't wait for those eyes to burn brighter when I will have you begging under me while I fuck you." He whispered in her ear, causing cold chills to crawl in her skin. She slapped his hand away and immediately backed off.

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