Chapter 48 (I)

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Anissa heard the gates open. The loud creak of the gates made her heart flutter with nervousness.

He's back. She thought to herself. All this time, she never felt nervous.

It had been two days since she discovered that she was pregnant. And perhaps this was the only time she actually felt happy. A new ray of hope bloomed in her heart and caused her to look at life in a new perspective.

She was looking at life with a positive attitude once again. Shehryaar might've showed her a very dark and dangerous side of life, but Allah is always greater and always has the best plan. And that was the beauty of hope, it gave you a new perspective on things in a much brighter light even in the most darkest of times.

She smiled a small smile as she placed her hand on her abdomen: from what she could decipher from the signs and symptoms, she must be seven to eight weeks along, adding up the time since she had been married and even though a home pregnancy test is never accurate to a hundred percent, but she did know that it was good enough for a confirmation.

"My baby, it's time to tell you father about you." She whispered to herself.

She got up from the bed and headed for the door with a smile on her face. As soon as her fingers gripped the door knob, a fleeting feeling at the back of her mind halted her movements. She knew that she wasn't allowed to leave the room and this could be seen as an act of defiance from her part but she had to leave and greet Shehryaar. Even though his warning and threats ringed in her ears, she wanted to step outside of this room for the first time in days.

She was feeling enthusiastic for the first time in a long while. She was just too excited to tell him about the good news. But there was something stopping her, killing her excitement all in one go.

The consequences of her defying him came to mind. He had specifically warned her. But that wasn't what was causing cold chills to run down her spine and spike her heart beat.

It was her fear and trauma.

Of him.

She wasn't afraid of disobeying him rather, she was scared of telling him about the baby. And found dread washing over her.

Should she tell him or not?

He was the father, he had every right to know. She couldn't hide it from him even if she wanted to.Surely he would understand and not punish her: after all, she was in a delicate condition now. He wouldn't hurt her now, would he?

Shaking her head vigorously, she didn't let her doubts control her as she made her way out.

It was finally time for change. When they were married, she had promised herself that she would change him. But his abusive and violent behaviour had caused her to lose all hope and she didn't want to continue with her marriage especially after the hell that he put her through. But with a baby on the way, Shehryaar would have no choice but to change.

So far, she could understand that perhaps Shehryaar might've had a very rough past due to which he treated her with so much violence. But now, she was willing to put it all behind her. If nothing else, for he sake of their child, she could work on her marriage once again and try and change him.

A part of her, the selfish part, didn't want to let go of all the atrocities that he had inflicted on her. It wanted her to believe that he won't change and might cause harm, accuse her and might even order her to lose the baby. That thought caused Anissa's heart to constrict so hard that it physically hurt her.

No, he wouldn't possibly do that to his own child. That part of her wanted to run away and protect the baby. It was instinctive and impulsive but not smart and she needed to handle this situation with a clear head.

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