Strange Waters| Kidge

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A/N: I'm so sorry about how late this is, the first week of school had thrown a tsunami of homework at us so I was very busy but hopefully they won't be as delayed in the future. Thanks to @Sashi_The_Cat13 for requesting (actually my first request ever so wow). Anyway, enjoy the story! (even though its probably a flaming pile of shit because I had no ideas)

Lance had known about Keith's crush on Pidge for some time now, he was always glancing at her during conversations, acting all smart and tough whenever she was in the room and always going to her first when he saw something interesting. Pidge was oblivious to this and it annoyed the shit out of Lance, he really shipped them. After one very interesting interaction where Pidge was teaching Keith about the wonders of the internet, Lance decided he had to do something. Balling his fists in determination, Lance returned to his room and began to plan.

After some extreme negotiating with Allura, Lance was ready to put his plan into action. It was simple, the team had recently helped a small planet nearby called Aspielia (A/N: I got it from a name generator idk), it was beautiful, the team would send down Pidge and Keith in a pod that would "mysteriously lose power" leaving the two alone in a romantic environment for about three hours. Hopefully it all goes smoothly and they find some sort of puddle or something. The water had some... Special qualities.

~~Time skip~~

Keith P.O.V

Pidge and I had just landed on Aspielia with pidge when the pod we were in shut down, just like that, gone.

"guys, the pod just died." Pidge said to the others. I looked at her, her adorable cinnamon hair curled around her beautiful honey coloured eyes. Swiftly averting my gaze I fiddled a bit with the various peddles, hoping to get a response from the pod.

"Ugh, why are we even here?" I asked the rest of them but got no reply.

"Nothing seems to be wrong... Let's just ask for some help from the Aspielians, they seem to like us, they could help." Pidge suggested after nosing about the pod for a while. We left the pod and started to wander in the general direction of the nearest settlement.

We talked about various things, food, space, aliens, bayards but after a while we began to run out of things to say.

"That's strange, the village should be right here." Pidge looked around at the surroundings. In my opinion, the planet looked like it was ripped right out of some little girl's imagination, it's colour scheme revolved around pink and purple, the clouds were always perfectly fluffy and there was always a weird little patch of rainbow somewhere in the sky.

"We're lost aren't we?" I asked


"fuck," I exhaled and put my hand on my hip "now what?"

Pidge looked around again "lets search a bit more. Even if we don't find anyone, we could find something fun to do." She started walking further on

"good idea" I said and followed her "all of your ideas are" I muttered



~~Another time skip because I'm a terrible author~~

We had been walking for about 20 minutes when we decided to sit down near a lake. It was early evening and we were sitting on a small ridge with our feet nearly in the water. We were chucking rocks in the water, seeing how far we could throw when Pidge fell in.

I was about to panic until she resurfaced laughing, her laugh was so magical that I couldn't help but join in.

"don't think you'll stay dry for long space emo" She pulled me into the water with her, landing with an ungraceful splap. The water was surprisingly pleasant, it wasn't too cold but not warm either.

"you'll pay for that," I said and swept my arm along the water splashing her.

"you're on"

We played about a bit before getting back out of the water, our armour keeping some of the water in. 

I felt rather light headed as I clumsily sat against a large tree, we took our helmets off and put them at out feet. Pidge sat close to me and leant against my side, I felt a strange burst of confidence and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Keith?" her voice was quiet

"yeah?" I looked down at her. The purple grass around her made her warm features almost glow, her golden eyes gazed into my violet ones until I felt soft lips on my own.

The kiss was gentle, unsure, she placed her hand on my chest and I brought my other arm round her. I had butterflies in my stomach and my heart was racing, it was amazing. We broke apart soon after and rested our foreheads together. Our faces were burning as we giggled.

"I guess you feel the same then?" I smirking

"no" she said sarcastically "of course I do, stupid" she pulled me into another kiss. This one was more certain and perfect.

We must have fallen asleep because when we woke up we were back in the castle, just leaving Aspielia.

"YES!" Lance yelled and ran over to us, only now did I notice that we were leaning on each other with our hands intertwined. "It worked!" he was busy doing a victory dance as Hunk explained what he was so happy about.

Apparently on our last visit to Aspielia, Allura had drunk some of the water and it made her tell Shiro how she found him unbelievably attractive and shipped Hunk and Lance. The locals then told Coran and Hunk how the water makes you share your true thoughts, feelings and desires. Pidge and I blushed and soon left to go to our rooms. As soon as she let go of my hand I missed her warmth but didn't get to say because her door had closed.

I got changed into something more comfortable and got into bed. Gazing at the ceiling, I thought about the events of the day. It had finally happened, me and Pidge had kissed, she loved me back. She loved me back.

I let out a very loud and very girly squeal and hugged my pillow, a grin so wide on my face that I was in actual pain. Then I calmed myself down, made my way to Pidge's room and knocked on the door.

"come in" she yelled. Her mouth formed a shy smile when I entered. She was sitting cross legged on the floor with her laptop

"could I join you?" I shrugged

"of course" pulling the blanket off of her bed she put it by her side and ushered me over. I sat down and she wrapped the soft fabric around us. We spent the rest of the night watching movies and shows that pidge had totally  legally downloaded.

(1148 words)

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