Pen pals | Human! Krolia x Reader PART 1

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A/N: I haven't seen a Krolia x Reader before but lately I've been obsessed with her so I'm going to write one. I have a feeling at least one person will have a problem with this, if that is you then just don't read it and let us live. K thanks. ALSO, I have literally no ideas on how to write her in the actual vld universe so I'll probably only do AUs for her because season 6 fuCKED UP THE ONE I ALMOST FINISHED and there is no way I'm posting shit that has been disproven. Anyway, onto the story.

(JUST SOME INFO ABOUT THIS STORY: You and any others included in this one are older teens/ young twenties age so none of them have kids yet. I'm just clearing up all of that awkwardness before it starts.)

Your typing got faster as the anger of the weeks events flooded onto the screen. Huffing, you finished the fifth paragraph of your rant.

When your friend, Alfor, suggested that you get a pen pal, you almost died laughing. Although the idea seemed childish, it was no secret that you were lonely, the only friends you really spoke to being Alfor and his four buddies, and being the youngest of all of them you kinda felt singled out with them anyway.

Alfor helped you find a website for pen pals and you signed up, muttering "I can't believe I'm doing this." every 15 seconds. After a few failed attempts of friends, you finally got chatting with someone.

Her name was Krolia, she was only a town or two away from you and you shared a lot of interests. The thing that made you get on most was the ability to solve each other's problems. One of you would have a problem and the other would always have an answer or be able to make you happy again.

You sent the finished email off to her and switched to another tab to watch a few videos on Youtube. It took Krolia a while to see your emails, she rarely has her notifications on simply because a lot of her friends like to spam a group chat she's in at stupid-o-clock in the morning.

You really wanted to meet her. It's all very well talking to someone online but after a while you almost want to prove they really exist by meeting them.

You also may have developed a small crush on her, but who could blame you? She was kind, bluntly funny and sarcastic, really nice and helpful....

Coincidentally, In her reply an hour or so later she explained how she really wanted to meet you.

Y e s

(Krolia's P.O.V)

As soon at I hit send I started to feel nervousness bubble up inside me. What if (y/n) didn't want to meet? Was it too soon to? I slammed my head into my wall, my faded purple hair tickling my ears. I probably made everything really awkward.

A ping came from my laptop, drawing my attention. They replied! A grin spread across my face as I read how they wanted to meet too. I had to tell Kolivian. Although he was quite stoic a lot of the time and he was still my closest friend.

He replied with a generic 'cool' but I knew he cared. He was a strange person but when you get into a late night conversation with him, you do learn a lot about him. He didn't like showing emotions around others, he felt that they could be mistaken as weaknesses but as long as he was happy then I was fine with it.

Back to (y/n), they were amazing. Obviously I mean that in a strictly platonic way. Do I?

Anyway, I remembered a fun fair was coming to the town next to mine. I've always liked the more exiting rides, the fast ones that spins you round and upside-down and such. I wonder if they like them too.

I hope they want to go there too, we'd have so much fun.

(2nd person)

You hopped straight to arranging a meeting place and time, you both agreed to first meet with a friend with each of you, after all, you can't trust everyone on the internet.

Both you and her were so exited, a fun fair was coming to a town that separated the two of you and you had decided that was the perfect place to meet. The fun rides would be a good escape if the meet turned out awkward.

That night you feel asleep with a smile on your face, looking forward to the day you'll meet her.

A/N so I may be writing a tad more often (DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP) because I have English to do and I really don't want to do it so I'll probably procrastinate on here.

I am going to have a part two to this simply because I really like it so if you want me to publish the rest then please say so! Your comments really do make my day! Even if it's just "this was kinda okay" it still makes me really happy and smile like an idiot for ages.


It keeps doing it, I'm ready for death. 

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