Valentines Pancakes | Keith x reader

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You were on your 7th full minute of watching his face as he slept. The morning light snuck through the blinds and hit your bodies, the hazy light swept across Keith's pale skin, catching on his eyelashes and casting little wispy shadows across his smooth skin. Dust particles swirled with your covers, some eventually falling on the light blanket that covered the two of you after an unreasonably warm night, which is rare for February but apparently still happens.

It was the morning of Valentines day and Keith wasn't allowed to wake up yet, which is annoying because you needed to get up but he sleeps so lightly. Once he fell asleep next to you and got woken up by you "breathing too loud". 

Finally, you decided that you had to use the ninja training you certainly didn't have to get out of the bed without waking him. Carefully peeling the covers off of yourself when his breathing was loudest you moved slowly and eventually tiptoed to the lounge.

A few days prior, you and Keith had had a conversation about today. He insisted that it was a dumb holiday for people to boast about their partners. You wanted to do all the sappy relationship stuff the day was meant for so as soon as he said that, you vowed to yourself that you would change his mind.

Fetching the bouquet of roses that were patiently waiting in the study (he never went in there, he didn't like the room for some reason) you placed it in the centre of the coffee table, picking up any stray cola cans, bowls, plates or glasses as you went. You fluffed up a few nice pillows for the sofa and went to the kitchen to begin breakfast.

 Keith lazily opened his eyes after being woken by the sound of a cupboard slamming. Noticing you were not in bed, he figured it was you making the racket and carefully got up so that he could scare you. Upon creeping to the kitchen Robbie rotten style, he noticed you mixing up what appeared to be pancake batter. 

This is what worried him. It's not that you were bad at cooking.. actually no , you were terrible. You couldn't even make pasta without burning it. Keith wasn't great either, but he could make macaroni cheese and jacket potatoes and other simple things like that. But you couldn't even make a salad without causing some sort of catastrophe. The result of this was an awful lot of leftovers in various plastic boxes in the freezer from Hunk. The big softie would apparently rather "stub his toe multiple times every day than watch his friends live off of pasta and microwave meals"

You lit the stove, this was dangerous, you couldn't be trusted in there. Keith was ready for trouble watching the batter be poured out of the jug, lowering itself speedily to the greasy pan. He winced but was surprised when the batter just sizzled as it hit the pan. Oh.

He shrugged and waltzed into the room, the patting of his feet clearly audible on the tiled floor.

"Keith! what are you doing up?" You jumped, swivelling around to face him.

"it's half eleven, why wouldn't I be up?" He shrugged, "what are you doing? i thought after you burnt the countertop you weren't allowed to cook stuff."

You smiled "Well, I've been watching lots of cooking videos and getting a few lessons from Hunk." you said turning back to the pancake, getting ready to flip it.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise," you glanced back at him, tossing the pancake in the air. Keith watched as the pancake  flopped back into the pan, folding onto itself. "oh."

"pfft" he exploded in laughter "you had so much faith in that toss!"

"it'll still taste good!" You defended.

"Yeah, I know." he smiled as you slid that pancake onto the plate beside you. "why don't I show you how it's really  done" He snatched the pan from your hand

"UH rude" you bumped him with your hip. He giggled and stuck his tongue out at you.

Almost professionally, he poured batter onto the pan, swirling it round to spread it evenly. He grabbed palette knife and de-stuck the pancake. He smirked as he tossed the pancake in the air, only to have that smirk ripped off as the pancake fell on the floor with a loud splat.


"WhY dOn'T i ShOw YoU hOw It'S rEaLlY dOnE" you mocked as he glared at the half baked cake staring back at him from the floor. 

"it's because I'm not dressed okay!?" He pouted and stomped back to your shared room. Giggling, you returned to baking.

 When he returned you had finished making pancakes and were waiting on the sofa. An array of pancake toppings spread in front of you with the plate of pancakes steaming away in the centre next to the flowers.

Maybe he was bitter and conditioned to expecting horrible things, but he was surprised when nothing ended up on fire.

"Why did you do all of this?" Keith asked, sitting beside you

"I want to prove to you that Valentines day should be celebrated and so should my partner~" You smiled and placed a peck on his cheek.


"You said it was stupid so I just had to prove you wrong."

His eyes widened "I didn't mean it like that!" He grabbed your hand "I meant that your partner should be treated like it's valentines day every day. You shouldn't treat them like royalty on only one day of the year"

You were shocked, "you mean, you don't think all this romantic stuff is silly?" 

"Of course I don't"

"so I spent all that time watching overly happy bakers on Youtube for nothing?!" You yelled in fake shock.

You both burst out laughing and began eating the pancakes. It was the start of a wonderful day.

A/N: sorry the end was rushed. Of course I'm writing this at 1 am and I still have Psychology to do. Thanks for reading, I might continue this one at some point. K bye. 

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