Stole my heart | Thief! Keith x Prince! Lance - PART 1

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(A/N: the picture was the only one I could find that was somewhat relevant to this story so yeah)

Keith huffed and brushed a stray lock of hair out of his face. He was nearly at the window of the prince's tower, more importantly, nearly at his crown. Keith didn't know who asked him to steal it, just another hooded figure with enough money for the job. He dug his knife into the old stone wall again and pulled himself up onto the window's ledge.

Carefully opening the window, he stepped inside the dark room. The window shut behind him, Keith shrugged, he'd just open it up again later. In the dim moonlight he could see a large four-poster bed with elegant light blue curtains and covers. A figure lay asleep under the soft duvet, his sleeping form shifted in his sleep, chocolate brown hair brushing his tan face.

"cute..." Keith whispered to himself before catching himself and shaking the thoughts out of his head. He silently walked to the bedside table. The crown sat next to a tall glass of water. Keith gripped the crown tightly, at that moment, the prince shifted, causing Keith to panic and move the crown too far to the side. He watched in horror as the glass toppled onto the bed, covering the prince in cold water, waking him up.

Keith froze when the prince's ocean blue eyes met his own.

"uh" the raven-haired teen was dumbstruck, he'd never screwed up this bad before.

"Were you trying to take my crown?" The young prince sat up, looking at the object in the intruder's hands

"n-no" Keith dropped it on the floor "Oh, your crown must have fallen off of your table." Keith bolted for the window and tried to open it. It didn't want to co-operate.

"Take it." he shrugged. "That's temporary anyway, I chipped the original so it's being mended."

"are you joking?" Keith was bewildered

"nah, seriously. Take it" He picked it up and walked over to Keith, "on one condition"

"go on..." Keith turned to face him fully. He was dressed in a blue and gold silk looking robe.

"Visit me again" He mumbled "I get lonely"

Visit him? seemed like an alright trade for getting away with theft.

"ok" Keith shrugged "I'll come back tomorrow?"

"Hopefully with a name too" Lance smirked and opened the window for him

"oh, uh. Keith, your highness?" Keith half bowed

"Please, Lance will do" The prince grinned, "It's nearly sunrise, you should go."

"oh fuck," Keith shoved the crown into his bag and clambered out of the window "See ya tomorrow!"

Lance smiled to himself as he watched the male run away, he couldn't wait until tomorrow.

=Time Skip=

"Hello?" Keith whispered as he stepped through the open window.

"took you long enough" Lance yawned "I've been waiting for years" He was sitting up in his bed with a book. The candles were lit around the room so that it was bright enough to see a matching wardrobe, book case and chair stood around the room. They all were made of the same rich brown wood with gold and light blue accents. The prince shifted in his bed, patting the mattress next to him. Keith cautiously sat where he patted

"I bought snacks" Lance grinned, Keith's face lit up. He brought out a plate of cookies from under his bed. "Luckily Hunk, my chef, is pretty lenient with what he gives me"

Keith reached to grab one however Lance snatched it away. He picked one up and held it to Keith's mouth.

"Why?" The mullet haired male scowled at the baked good held in font of him.

"Because this is my room and I say so" Lance prodded Keith's lips with the cookie. He grumbled but complied and took a bite of the cookie

"So how come you had to steal my things?" The tan boy watched Keith with curiosity

"Things?" Keith managed through his mouthful of cookie "I only took your crown"

"and my heart"

Keith almost spat out his whole mouthful but ended up just letting go of a couple of crumbs, His face turned red and warm

"stop, you're getting crumbs all over my bed with your spluttering" Lance blushed lightly and swept the crumbs onto the floor. "not a particularly good thing to do on a date"

"Date?!" Keith had swallowed his food. "I didn't know-"

"well, now you do" Lance shrugged "I wasn't going to let a handsome one like you go without trying to get a date first."

Keith was a blushing mess. An attractive, nice, funny...- A prince just announced that they were on a date and casually complimented Keith on his looks.

"Thanks?" Keith mumbled


"I mean- for the date, you're really nice and hot- I MEAN HUMOROUS"

"Humorous" Lance raised an eyebrow, Keith struggled with his words before Lance held another cookie to his mouth

"Let's get back to the date shall we?"

I'm sorry for another one-shot with more than one part, I just don't want to rush things too much. I'll try to update this soon though!

(829 Words)

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